Yom Chamishee


14 Kislev 5783

December 8 2022

Special Notice 

Your humble servant will be traveling in the Middle East, west Indian Ocean, and in southern Africa for 21 more days in some locations with very limited internet accessibility (today in the Indian Ocean near the Seychelles). OneIsrael will appear as possible during December. Thank you for your understanding.

The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria:

Shooting attacks.

Palestinian terrorists engaged in firefight with IDF soldiers in Jenin. At least 3 terrorists were killed. No Israelis were wounded.

A Palestinian terrorist opened fire on IDF soldiers near Ofra. The soldiers pursued the terrorist and killed him.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Shechem.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers near Nabi Saleh.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on civilians near Mt. Hevron.

Molotov, IED, and “rock” attacks.

Road 60 near Luban a-Sharqiya, Gilad Farm, Hawara (Israeli wounded), Azzun, between Beit Furik and Beit Dejan, Road 465 near Umm Safa, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near the bypass Junction, the Trans Judea highway west of the Beit Khalil Bridge, Marda, the Halhol Bridge, Beit Omer, Karmi Tzur: these were a few of the many places that Palestinian terrorists attacked yesterday.

RPG attack.

Palestinian terrorist fired grenades at a student minibus near Hevron. Miraculously, no students were wounded.

Today’s Blog

The final piece of the puzzle?

Likud and Shas agreed on distribution of roles in the coming government last night–bringing a new government ever closer.

Shas head Aryeh Deri will serve as Minister of the Interior and Health for the first two years, and in the second two years will serve as Minister of Finance instead of the Minister of the Interior and Health. He will serve as Deputy PM throughout the 4 years.

Shas will also receive the Ministry of Religious Services and the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security. Two more Shas members will serve as deputy ministers in the Ministry of Education and Ministry of the Interior. Rabbi Aryeh Deri will serve as Deputy Prime Minister throughout the term of the government.



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