5 Shabbat Photos For Your Consideration

Yom Shabbat


25 Av 5783

August 12 2023

As is customary on Shabbat here at OneIsrael, we offer you, dear readers, several photos for your perusal and consideration instead of our usual blog:

Photo 1.

What happened in the Shoham Forest when a black snake tried to eat a porcupine? Unfortunately, they both died.

What happened in the Shoham Forest when a black snake tried to eat a porcupine? Unfortunately, they both died. Apparently, the snake tried to regurgitate the porcupine but couldn’t.

Photo 2.

Star gazing in the Jordan National Park two nights ago. Tonight, many Israelis will look to the stars as the Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its peak with more than 100 shooting stars every hour.

Star gazing in the Jordan National Park two nights ago. Tonight, many Israelis will look to the stars as the Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its peak with more than 100 shooting stars every hour.

Photo 3.

From the Judean Hills to the Negev: MADA reported that 5 people were treated for scorpion bites yesterday. 2 (including a toddler) are in serious condition.

From the Judean Hills to the Negev: MADA reported that 5 people were treated for scorpion bites yesterday. 2 (including a toddler) are in serious condition.

“Photo” 4.

The exchange rate at close of trade yesterday: 1 dollar = 3.7345 shekels; 1 Euro= 4.

The exchange rate at close of trade yesterday: 1 dollar = 3.7345 shekels; 1 Euro= 4.0953; 1 British pound = 4.7383 shekels. These are the highest rates for the dollar, Euro, and pound in some time.

Photo 5.

A screen shot from a video of the street funeral procession of the terrorist killed yesterday in Tulkarm. Note the armed men.

A screen shot from a video of the street funeral procession of the terrorist killed yesterday in Tulkarm. Note the armed men. If the Palestinians would invest as much time and energy in developing their 2 countries (the Palestinian Country of Gaza, and the Palestinian Country in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria) as they do in celebrating death, the world would be a better place.

On that thought, we wish you:


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