5 Shabbat Photos For Your Perusal

Yom Shabbat


9 Elul 5783

August 26 2023

As is our usual custom here at OneIsrael, we are posting a few photos for your consideration on Shabbat instead of posting a blog:

Photo 1:

The Israeli gymnastics team that won the gold medal in the world championships in Valencia, Spain two days ago.

The Israeli gymnastics team that won the gold medal in the world championships in Valencia, Spain two days ago. Kolakevod to them!

Photo 2:

Selihot prayers at the Kotel on Thursday night. Tens of thousands asking for forgiveness as the month of Elul begins.

Selihot prayers at the Kotel on Thursday night. Tens of thousands asking for forgiveness as the month of Elul begins.

Photos 3 and 4:

Yesterday, residents along the Gaza border heard a major explosion. It turns out that a Palestinian terrorist detonated a bomb he placed on the fence. The above photo is a screen shot from a video the Palestinians posted to Telegram. Note the terrorist

Yesterday, residents along the Gaza border heard a major explosion. It turns out that a Palestinian terrorist detonated a bomb he placed on the fence. The above photo is a screen shot from a video the Palestinians posted to Telegram. Note the terrorist running away to the left (dressed in black). Also note the headlights of a Israeli jeep through the fence to the left. Amazingly, there were three jeeploads of IDF soldiers who watched the terrorist set the bomb and blow it up. They did nothing to stop him. The explosion:

The wholly preventable explosion. Why in the world didn't the IDF stop him?

The wholly preventable explosion. Why in the world didn’t the IDF stop him?

Photo 5:

Members of the 50th battalion of the Nahal Brigade at prayer yesterday. Do you notice anything unusual? The Brigade which is overwhelmingly orthodox also has a few Muslim soldiers. Note that while most of those praying are facing Jerusalem, one soldier is facing Mecca.

Members of the 50th battalion of the Nahal Brigade at prayer yesterday. Do you notice anything unusual? The Brigade which is overwhelmingly orthodox also has a few Muslim soldiers. Note that while most of those praying are standing and facing Jerusalem, one soldier is kneeling and facing Mecca.

Shabbat Shalom from here in Israel!


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