Once Is Not Enough: Bidenite Amos Hochstein Strikes Again

Yom Shishee


21 Tishrei 5784

October 6 2023

Photo of the Day

Note the burly man shoving his way past Rabbi Leo Dee.

Note the burly man shoving his way past Rabbi Leo Dee.

Rabbi Leo Dee, whose wife and 2 daughters were gruesomely murdered in a Palestinian terror attack earlier this year was standing alone in a Tel Aviv Park praying yesterday. The man you see in the photo came up to Dee, shoved him, and made a disparaging remark. Other “protesters” disrupted others who were praying.

All of which led PM Netanyahu to issue this statement: “A protester pushes Rabbi Leo Di, who lost his wife and daughters into a murderous terrorist attack, just because he wears a tallit and holds the four Sukkot species in the heart of Tel Aviv. There is no limit to hatred and madness. Shame on those who disrupt prayers.”

The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria.

The two most critically wounded Border Policeman from yesterday’s firefight with Palestinian terrorists in Tulkarm have had multiple surgeries in the last 16 hours. Both are now reported to be anesthetized in “critical but not life-threatening condition”.

Shooting attacks:

The terrorist in Hawara walked up to the car yesterday and began shooting. The driver of the car was a pregnant Israeli woman; in the back seat was her infant child. Miraculously neither of them were physically wounded.

The terrorist in Hawara walked up to the car yesterday and began shooting. The driver of the car was a pregnant Israeli woman; in the back seat was her infant child. Miraculously neither of them were physically wounded.

As noted above, a Palestinian terrorist carried out a shooting attack near the Einbus Junction in Hawara. Click here to see a video of the attack. The terrorist was tracked down afterward by IDF forces and killed.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Jewish worshipers at Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem.

Palestinian terrorists fired at IDF troops in Al Muayyir.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Balata.

Palestinian terrorists fired on the community of Ram-On near Jenin.

Palestinian terrorists fired on an Egged bus near Kibbutz Beit Arava.

IED, Molotov, “rock” attacks:

Palestinian terrorists tried to murder Israelis on Road 55 Nebi Elias Bypass (bus driver wounded by shrapnel), Hawara (3 Israelis wounded in three separate events–one in the leg, and two in the head), the large Yitzhar Junction (1 Israeli wounded), between the Git Junction and Brown Park near Kedomim, Deir Istiya, the small Yitzhar Junction, Tapuach, on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road near Al Khader, at the Tunnels Checkpoint, on Road 55 near Ma’ale Shomron, on Road 55 near Fonduk, and at a dozen other locations.  

The time changes in Israel . . .

We will move the clock back one hour on October 29, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, at 2:00 in the morning.


Once Is Not Enough: Bidenite Amos Hochstein Strikes Again

It is not enough that President Biden’s emissary Amos Hochstein engineered an agreement a year ago which resulted (because of the unbelievably pusillanimous Israeli government at the time led by Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz) in Israel giving away thousands of kilometers of maritime territory.

The excuse which Lapid and Gantz gave for the giveaway was that it would reduce Hezbollah influence in southern Lebanon. At the time, we wrote that this line of reasoning was absurd.

And so it has been. All the agreement has done is strengthen and embolden Hezbollah to the point that the terror organization now feels even free to set up military outposts in Israeli territory along the border.

Last month we had Hezbollah proclaiming that it wants to clarify and redraw the border lines between Lebanon and Israel.

And guess what?

More quickly than you can say American idiocy, Joe Biden sent Hockstein the emissary to Lebanon. 

We now have the Biden-Hochstein solution to Hezbollah’s border demands.

And how simple it is.

Israel must withdraw from all points of contention–in return for which Hezbollah will pull back from the border.


Once again, the idea is for Israel to give away everything in return for nothing.

To think that Hezbollah would pull back from its heavily embedded positions all along the border is beyond nonsensical. 

Of course, the really pathetic fact is that if Lapid and Gantz were still in power, they would agree willy-nilly to give away the store to Lebanon as they did before.

Thank goodness we now have a different government.

On that happy note, we here at OneIsrael wish you:



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