The Gaza War: Day 107 . . . The War in the North

Yom Rishon


11 Shevat 5784

January 21 2024


The Last 24 Hours in the South

Another “hostage” is dead:

Sgt. Shay Levinson, 19, from Givat Avni, a fighter in the 77th Battalion died in combat on October 7th. The IDF announced that his body is buried in Gaza.

Another soldier has fallen:

Maj. (res.) Uriel Aviad Silberman, 23, from Moshav Nahalim, a fighter in Battalion 7421, ‘Kirithi Brigade’ (4), fell in battle in southern Gaza.

May the memories of these two soldiers be for a blessing.

*130 commanders and officers fighting in Gaza have sent an open letter to the IDF Chief of Staff and War Cabinet not to withdraw from northern Gaza and not to allow Palestinians to return to northern Gaza.

*IDF soldiers blew up Palestine University on Thursday apparently without the permission of the IDF Chief of Staff Halevi. The buildings were used by HamISIS to attack our forces. Now, the Bidenites in Washington are demanding an investigation:

*The medicine fiasco continues. The medicines that were to be delivered t0 45 hostages were apparently delivered to HamISIS by the French. HamISIS has now informed the French that the hostages received the medicine. Is there any reason in the world to believe anything that HamISIS says?

*The tax money fiasco continues. As you may not know, our idiotic government has kowtowed to international pressure and agreed to deposit PLO tax money–which it pays to terrorists in Gaza–in Norway for the Norwegians and Americans to oversee and distribute.

This morning the PLO issued this statement: 

“We will refuse to accept the funds from Israel under the current outline, which freezes the transfer of funds to Gaza. We refuse any offset from our financial rights, or any condition imposed by Israel that prevents the Palestinian Authority from paying our people in the Gaza. We call on the international community to stop this behavior, which is based on piracy and stealing the money of the Palestinian people, and to force Israel to transfer all our money to us.”

Did you get all that? The Palestinian terrorists in Gaza and in Ramallah have “financial rights.” 

Israel should take all the tax money it collects for the Palestinians and burn it.

The Last 24 Hours in the North

*An IAF attack on a senior Hezbollah leader in southern Lebanon unfortunately missed its mark; two of his bodyguards were killed when a missile hit his car, but he survived.

*It turns out that two of the senior Iranians killed in Damascus this past week were Sadek Omidzadeh, the head of the intelligence unit of the Iranian Quds Force in Syria and his deputy, Haj Reulam. The curse of Soleimani continues: Omidzadeh right below with Soleimani (left). Virtually every terrorist photographed with Soleimani over the years has been killed.


Another dead cohort of Soleimani.

The Last 24 Hours in Judea and Samaria

*Palestinian terrorists tried to run over soldiers on a sidewalk at Al-Fawwar. No Israelis were wounded; the terrorists escaped.

The Last 24 Hours in the Red Sea

*A senior member of the Houthi leadership along with two members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were killed in an American attack.


*A massive missile attack on the American base of Ain Al-Assad in Iraq has wounded some 10 American soldiers.

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