Israel Is About To Become a Corona Test Case

29 Iyar 5780

23 May 2020


The Heroic Photo and Quote of the Day

Ibrahim, blowing a kiss to the camera during a short video made yesterday.

Shadi Ibrahim, blowing a kiss to the camera during a short video made yesterday.

“Thank you to everyone. I feel good. I want to go back to my soldiers. Nothing will break me.”

Shadi Ibrahim, the 20 year old Druze IDF soldier from Sajour who was run over near Negohot several days ago. Shadi woke up in intensive care yesterday to discover that one of his legs had been amputated, but that did not dint his enthusiasm in the least.

Bravo to the heroic Shadi for exemplifying the fighting spirit of the combat soldiers of the IDF!


The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

*It was learned yesterday that the Palestinian terrorist who was behind the attempted shooting attack near Shechem two days ago was a “PLO policeman.”

As we have often noted, the PLO police force is in fact a well armed army–which, if you remember back a few decades ago, was trained in part by the U.S. military and the CIA.

Getting that second passport . . .

The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of Israelis applying for citizenship in another country (while maintaining their Israeli citizenship).

Your humble servant’s wife is one of those people. Several years ago, she received a Bulgarian passport by virtue of the fact that her mother was born in Sofia (and after a two-year process which included paying a substantial fee).

Why did she want a Bulgarian passport? Simply because she thought it would make traveling through Europe much easier.

In the last 15 years, some 30,000 Israelis have applied for a Polish passport and a like number have applied for a Romanian one. However, these numbers pale in comparison to what has happened in Spain and Portugal in the last 5 years.

Both of those countries, in an attempt to rectify past discrimination against Jews, opened up their citizenship process to Israelis who could show that their ancestors were kicked out Spain and Portugal around 500 years ago. The conditions for citizenship are generous–one does not need to show any residence in the country.

Neither country foresaw what would happen.

Immediately Israeli companies sprung up to facilitate the citizenship process and what was expected to be a relatively small number of requests has swelled. More than 60,000 Israelis have applied for Portuguese citizenship alone. 

Now, some Portuguese are desperately trying to backtrack–and a proposed law is being brought before the Portuguese legislature that would require that a prospective citizen live in the country for 2 years before being able to apply for citizenship.

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The coming months will see whether this law passes or not.

Another invasion in Eilat . . .

What do you think you are looking at?

What do you think you are looking at in this blurry photo taken yesterday by Omri Omasi of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority ?

And a closer look:

Can you figure it out now?

Can you figure it out now?

These are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of purple Aurelia jelly fish which have come to the Gulf of Eilat. The wonderful thing about Aurelias is that they do not sting.



Israel Is About To Become a Corona Test Case

On the face of things, Israel has become a model on how to constrain the spread of Corona.

As of this morning, the number of confirmed cases has almost slowed to a halt, the number of people on ventilators has markedly decreased, and the number of people who have recovered continues to dramatically increase. 

Most importantly, the number of Israelis who have died has not increased for more than 24 hours. There are now only 2,775 active cases of Corona in the country.

So, just like in many other places in the world, Israelis have been chomping at the bit for the government to ease restrictions and let life return to “normal.” The government has obliged with almost everything opening up–from schools to malls to beaches.

The idea is that when people go to these venues outside of their homes, they are supposed to wear a mask and maintain social distancing.

The truth is that almost no one does.

This is a photo taken of an Ashkelon Beach yesterday:

This photo was taken over a beach just north of Ashkelon.

This photo was taken over a beach just north of Ashkelon.

As you cannot see, no one was wearing a mask and few were maintaining any social distancing. The same story was true for beaches all along the coast yesterday from here in Ashdod all the way up to Nahariya. More than 100,000 Israelis were estimated to have hit the beaches yesterday alone.

Next up will be synagogues where worshipers are already flooding back, and events such as weddings, bar and bar mitzvahs, and brits where the government has already approved the admittance of a hundred participants.

The unanswered question is whether or not Israel is about to see an explosion of Corona. Here at OneIsrael we are still wearing our masks and keeping our fingers (inside our gloves) crossed in earnest hope that this will not be the case.

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