Incoming Missile Sirens, Corona Worsens, Bennett Throws Netanyahu Under The Bus

Yom Chamishee


18 Elul 5781

August 26 2021



Incoming Missile Sirens Blare, Corona Worsens,

Bennett Throws Netanyahu Under The Bus


Incoming Missile Sirens Blare . . .

Your humble servant and his wife have just emerged from our bomb shelter in our house here in Ashdod. At 12:04 pm, incoming missile sirens blared in Ashdod, in Ashkelon, and in Yavne.

There is no further news at this time.

They fire missiles and explosive balloons at us, and what does our government do? 

This morning, the government decided to expand the shipments of “equipment and goods” to Hamas. In addition, Israel will facilitate new cars being sent to Gaza, and the gold trade between Gaza and Ramallah will be permitted. As if that is not enough, we will now permit another 1000 Hamas “traders” to enter Israel through the Erez Crossing.

What do you think would happen if Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched an all-out war on Israel? We would probably hand over the deeds to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to Hamas, make Arabic the national language, and institute Islam as the national religion.

Just unbelievable.

A further update: The IDF has just declared that all of the alarms were “malfunctions.” However, a good friend of our who lives beside the Iron Dome battery in south Ashdod reports that Iron Dome interceptors were fired and explosions were heard.

One can never believe the IDF spokesman or government leaders here.

The furthest update: IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi has just  issued a statement saying that he supports letting thousands more workers from Gaza enter Israel. 

One of his soldiers lies critically wounded from a Hamas bullet in Soroka Hospital and all Kochavi can think about is bringing more potential terrorists into the country.

Is anyone surprised? 

Corona Worsens . . .

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10,001 more Israelis were confirmed yesterday as having Corona. There are now 75,403 active cases in the country.

The positive test rate yesterday was 6.69%.

1,017,825 Israelis have tested positive since the pandemic began last year.

688 Israelis are in serious condition with another 139 in critical condition on ventilators.

6,908 Israelis have died of Covid-19; an increase of 28 since yesterday.


5,927,650 Israelis have received 1 dose.

5,456,870 Israelis have received 2 doses.

1,723,205 Israelis have received 3 doses.

Bennett Throws Netanyahu Under The Bus . . .

PM Bennett is making the rounds today going first to the U.S. State Department to talk to U.S. Secretary of State Blinken.

Upon his arrival at the State Department, Bennett wasted no time in throwing Netanyahu under the bus:

“I bring a new spirit from Israel, of people who sometimes think differently and hold different opinions, but work together in cooperation and goodwill. A spirit of unity.
We work hard to find common ground that we do agree on, and rely on. It seems to work. This is the same spirit I want to bring to our relationships, of cooperation, of goodwill, of friendship.”

Bennett’s obvious implication was that Netanyahu did not represent people who held different opinions, did not cooperate with the U.S., and did not have good will. More than this, Bennett wants to say that his government is different because of “a spirit of unity” and a searching for “common ground.”

What hilarity. Bennett’s party represented virtually no one having only won 6 seats in the election. Bennett’s motley coalition crew has certainly found common ground in their hatred of Netanyahuthe only thing that is keeping them unified.

By the way, the Israeli media is hyping the fact that they talked about the U.S. granting a visa exemption for Israelis to come to the U.S. What they are not hyping is that the statement from the State Department talked about exemptions for Israelis coming to the U.S. and Americans (read: Palestinian-Americans) coming to Israel.

You can bet that Bennett is completely willing to concede that Israel will stop demanding visa requirements of Palestinians coming to Israel.


This entry was posted in News and tagged ashdod, ashkelon, bennett, blinken, cannot believe, daily corona update, explosions, iron dome, missile sirens, palestinian-americans, visa exemption, washington, yavne. Bookmark the permalink.

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