Once A Terrorist Always A Terrorist: The Chairman of the PLO Gives Israel An Ultimatum

Yom Rishon


20 Tishrei 5782

September 26 2021



Please Donate To OneIsrael

Our annual Rosh Hashana-Simhat Torah fundraising drive is coming to an end in two days on September 28. Please consider donating to OneIsrael so that we can continue to get the word out about what is happening here in Israel. Where else can you read about the daily terrorism that Israelis face or get a daily Corona update?

Thank you for your generosity!

The Photo of the Weekend

Part of a massive protest in Tel Aviv on Thursday night against the government.

Part of a massive protest in Tel Aviv on Thursday night against the government.

The protest was organized by those on the “right” of the political spectrum who correctly feel that PM Bennett has betrayed them by following leftist policies. As you watch the video below, notice the signs. Some of them read:

The country is in danger! Stop the disaster!

Bennett is like Haman: What did he do to the Jews!

Bennett is a disaster!

Click here to watch part of the march against the Bennett-Lapid-Gantz Concession Government.

Not surprisingly, the protest march was not covered at all by the leftist media in Israel.


The News on the Israeli Street

The daily Corona update . . .

4,937 more Israelis were confirmed “yesterday” as having Covid-19. There are now 62,993 active cases in the country.

1,262,945 Israelis have contracted Corona since the pandemic began.

The positive test rate yesterday was 4.30%.

694 Israelis are in serious condition with another 221 in critical condition on ventilators.

7,649 Israelis have died–an increase of 38 since Friday.


6,085,965 Israelis have received 1 dose.

5,611,185 Israelis have received 2 doses.

3,187,265 Israelis have received 3 doses.

It would appear that the number of critically and seriously ill is remaining stable with between 20-30 Israelis dying every day.

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Palestinian arsonists set fire to a study hall in Mitzpe Ziv in the southern Hevron Hills. The study hall was founded in member of IDF soldiers Yehuda Ben-Yosef and Yoav Doron.

Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF forces in the area of the Givat Eviatar community in Samaria.

Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF forces near the Palestinian settlement of Kadum. At least one soldier was wounded.

Palestinian terrorists also attacked IDF soldiers in Beit Dajan and in Beta (one terrorist was killed).
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Texas divests from Ben and Jerry’s . . .

Texas has joined New Jersey, Arizona, and Florida in announcing it will divest from Unilever–the parent company of Ben and Jerry’s. Illinois, Maryland, and Rhode Island are considering following suit.

Texas Government Code Chapter 808 clearly states:

“Boycott is defined as refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory . . .”

Bravo to Texas for taking a stand!

Brazenly, Germany acts to undermine Israel . . .

Germany has agreed to give the PLO 100,000,000 million Euros over the next two years.

Specifically, the money is to be used to “develop Palestinian local authorities in Area C.” 

This is another case of a member of the European Union acting in concert with the PLO to change facts on the ground in Area C–an area that is supposed to be under Israeli administrative and military control.

But of course the Europeans don’t care, and our cowardly Israeli government doesn’t care either.


Once A Terrorist Always A Terrorist:

The Chairman of the PLO Gives Israel An Ultimatum

Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) delivered his annual rant at the U.N. General Assembly Address on Friday.

He began by reiterating what all the lefties in the world would prefer that we forget:

“. . . we reiterate that the Palestine Liberation Organization–the PLO–is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people, and that we are committed to the unity of our people and land . . .” 

Once a terrorist always a terrorist, Abbas again brazenly states that his terror organization, the PLO, is committed to the unity of “our people and our land“, a statement which of course brings to mind the reason that the PLO was formed in the first place: to eliminate Israel. 

He continued on to declare that  if Israel does not withdraw “from all Palestinian territories” in one year, the PLO will retract its recognition of Israel and go to The International Court in The Hague for relief.

Even leftists in Israel such as “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz were laughing at this statement last night on Israeli television.

Aside from the withdrawal gem, the ever mendacious Abbas proceeded to rant one lie after another, counting on the fact that the world has no memory:

“I challenge anyone in the world to prove that we rejected a serious peace initiative.”

What about Barak’s outrageous offer in 2000? And Olmert’s even more outrageous offer in 2007?

“Israel did not abide by the [Oslo] Agreements . . .”

Israel has meticulously abided by the Oslo Agreements to our own detriment.

“We did not cancel [Palestinian] elections. We will hold general elections as soon as Israel agrees to hold elections in Jerusalem.”

Abbas and the PLO are terrified of holding elections because they know that Hamas will win the elections. In essence, Abbas has declared himself “Dictator for Life” in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria.

“I have issued instructions to take the necessary measures to correct any wrongdoing and continue upholding the rule of law, the freedom of expression and human rights as the path our country insists to remain on.”

There is no freedom of expression or human rights in PLO territory. Anyone who disagrees with the PLO is rounded up; gays are thrown in prison; women have virtually no rights.

And on and on including this litany of lies:

The leaders of Israel no longer feel any shame while stating their blunt opposition to this solution that is supported by global consensus. I warn that undermining the two-State solution based on international law and UN resolutions will open the way for other alternatives imposed on us by the situation on the ground as a result of the continuation of the Israeli occupation of our State; the absence of a just solution for the plight of 7 million Palestine refugees uprooted from their land in 1948; the systematic theft of Palestinian land and the ongoing crimes of the occupation and demolition of homes as a means of collective punishment; the killings and arrests and detention by the thousands, including of women, the sick and children as well as the imposition of the inhumane blockade over the Gaza Strip; and measures annexation under numerous pretexts and names, including the settlement plan they now invented in the City of Jerusalem and that we fully reject, all coupled with the crime of forcibly displacing Palestinians from their land, as part of a policy of racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing pursued by the occupation in the absence of a deterrent international response.

So now we are supposed to believe that there are 7 million refugees; Israel is killing and arresting women and sick children by the thousands; and Israel is engaging in ethnic cleansing.

Who is kidding whom?

And we are supposed to make peace with Abbas and the PLO?



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