A New Phrase For Your Lexicon

Yom Shnee


26 Cheshvan 5783

November 21 2022


Wonderful Quote of the Day

Florida governor Ron DeSantis.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis.

“Judea and Samaria is not occupied territory, I don’t care what the U.S. State Department says.”

Florida governor Ron DeSantis speaking yesterday.

And that, dear friends, is one of the primary reasons your humble servant is supporting DeSantis for president in 2024. 

Absurd Quote of the Day

“I have better relations with the U.S. Democrats than Netanyahu, and I offered the new government help with the Iranian issue.”

Outgoing PM Yair Lapid speaking to an American group in his office in Jerusalem yesterday.

Just unbelievable.

Yair Lapid has better relations with the Biden Administration and U.S. Democrats because he kissed their hind ends whenever he had a chance. Never have we seen more kowtowing to the Americans than during the last 17 months.

And . . . Netanyahu needs help with the Iranian issue?

Your humble servant doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The Video of the Day

So much for FIFA’s pledge and Qatari assurances.

One element of Qatar hosting the World Cup was that all religions and nationalities would be respected.

Yesterday, Qatar announced that Jews would not be permitted to practice religion of any sort (including praying) in Qatar and that kosher food will not be permitted to be made or served.

At the same time, roving crowds of Qataris are accosting Israelis wherever they can find them. Click here to see a Channel 13 Israel reporter surrounded by pro-Palestinians outside a match last night.

The Photo of the Day

A Chabad group photo in Brooklyn yesterday.

A Chabad group photo in Brooklyn yesterday.

More than 6,500 rabbis from all 50 U.S. states and more than 100 countries gathered for the annual Chabad event at 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn (Chabad headquarters) on Sunday.

There are currently 5,646 Chabad rabbis working around the world from the Amazon jungle to Siberia. One really would be hard-pressed to go some location with no Chabad house, synagogue or rabbi.

The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria:

IED, Molotov, and “rock” attacks.

Palestinian terrorists attacked buses near Shimsha, at Herodian, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near the Ma’ayan Curve, at the Bypass Junction north of Kiryat Arba, at Al-Aruv, and north of the Avraham Hasnou Junction (Al Fawwar).

Palestinian terrorists attacked motorists north of Ofra, on the Hosan Bypass between the Al-Khader and Beitar Junctions, between Valja and Mt. Gila, on Road 5 between the Gitti Avishar Junction and Ariel, and throughout Gush Etzion.


A New Phrase For Your Lexicon

“humanitarian terrorism”

For some time, your humble servant has been looking for the correct terminology to refer to the abominable “humanitarian” (aka “human rights”) groups operating in Israel for no other purpose than to delegitimize our country.

Whether they are engaging in the faux picking of olive trees illegally planted on state land, or spitting at and taunting our border police at checkpoints, or tearing up farmers’ fields, or assaulting our soldiers with “rocks” and worse, or  spreading vicious lies about Israel in venues around the world, these “humanitarians” are not humane at all. 

They are “humanitarian terrorists” who have maliciously coopted the term “humanitarian” to describe their actions. 

This morning a Knesset hearing took place in which the Ad Kan organization showed how some supposed “humanitarian” groups operating in Israel are actually funded by Hamas. 

So, let’s conclude this blog today by offering working definitions for “humanitarian terrorism” and “humanitarian terrorist.”


 1. “Humanitarian terrorism” is when self-professed “humanitarian” groups or individuals unlawfully use force, violence, or threats against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain political, social, or ideological objectives.

2. An individual who subverts the law as described in definition 1 is a “humanitarian terrorist.”

3. One aspect of “humanitarian terrorism” is the funding of self-professed “humanitarian” groups by a terrorist organization or organizations.


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