Yom Shishee


14 Tishrei 5784

September 29 2023

**Please note that there will be no blog today.

Chag Sameach! Sukkot Sameach!!

As I was walking through the orthodox neighborhood of Ramot in Jerusalem yesterday, I was struck by this sukka.

A sukka in Jerusalem.

Sukkot begins tonight at sundown and extends until next Friday. Since the end of Yom Kippur, people have been building their sukkot. Even the IDF is having a sukka building contest as announced below:

IDF sukkah contest

IDF sukkah contest

The News on the Israeli Street

The war on the Gaza border.

Fire in the Eshkol

Fire in the Eshkol Forest caused by an exploding balloon.

The balloons keep exploding and the disturbances on the fence continue, but our idiotic government has opened the Erez Crossing to Palestinians and even increased the quota of daily workers allowed into Israel. Israel has no deterrence against the terrorists in Gaza.

The war in Judea and Samaria.

“Rock”, IED, Molotov attacks:

Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis near the Mazmoriya Checkpoint, on Road 55 near Azzun, between the T Junction and Efrat near Umm Salmona, on Road 55 in the Nabi Elias Bypass (Israeli wounded), on Road 60 beside Lumorusayya, Al Aruv, and at another dozen locations.

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