Tag Archives: cheap

Throwing Israeli Farmers Under The Bus

23-24 Nissan 5780 17-18 AprilĀ  2020     Photo of the Day As you may or may not know, there is often open hostility between the IDF and ultra-orthodox communities–mainly because the men in those communities do not want to … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a limited number of customers at one time are allowed in the store, a partition is put in place between customers and cashiers at checkout, allah, allowed to open, America and Israel have produced and are distributing the Corona virus throughout the world, anti-bibi laws, basic law giving him immunity from prosecution while the current Knesset is in session, cheap, communications, computing, critical condition, daily corona update, dead, degenerate civilization of the West, dry food boxes, electrical, electronics, farmers, fresh produce, health ministry, Hezbollah, home maintenance, hot meals, housewares, IDF, imports, increased consumption, Israel, kayhan, Knesset, lebanese border, lockdown, mouthpiece of the iranian government, optics, recovered, respirators, social distancing is maintained inside the store, soldiers distributed, terrorists, the number of dead continues to rise at the rate of about 10 per day, the temperature of each potential shopper is taken at the entrance to the store, turkey | Comments Off on Throwing Israeli Farmers Under The Bus