Should Israel Absorb Hundreds of Thousands of Syrian “Refugees”?


9:00 am Israel time, Sunday, September 6 2015

**The daily Palestinian terror report . . .

Here are some examples of what happened between the hours of 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm yesterday:

At 6:05 pm, an armed Palestinian terrorist was captured near the Jewish community of Neria in the Binyamin region between Modi’in Illit and Ramallah.

At 9:06 pm, Palestinian terrorists lit fires around the Israel Meir spring near Neve Tzuf in the Binyamin region.

At 9:35 pm, Palestinian terrorists attacked four Jerusalem firefighting teams that arrived in Shuafat to extinguish a fire (that the terrorists had probably set).

At 11:21 pm, terrorists assaulted and burned a police car in the Ras al-Amud section of Jerusalem.

The scene last night in Ras al-Amud as a police car burns in the background.

The scene last night in Ras al-Amud as a police car burns in the background.

**The push is on again . . .

Now that John Kerry and Barack Obama know that they have the votes in the U.S. Senate to stop the override of a veto on the Iranian Nuclear Appeasement Agreement, they are once again turning their attention to beginning “Israeli concession talks” with the Israel and the Palestinians. Yesterday Kerry was on the phone with Mahmoud Abbas pleading with him not to resign (undoubtedly by offering him concessions).

The Kerry-Obama effort this time around is being done in conjunction with the French who are determined to recognize “Palestine” and pass a UN Security Council resolution establishing the borders of a state of “Palestine”.

The French are coordinating their efforts with the “Quartet” which includes the United Nations, European Union and Russia. For its part, the European Union has announced that it will be adding various Arab countries to the Quartet.

So, let’s see how this going to play out.

On one side we have Israel.

On the other side we have the the Palestinians, the United States, the European Union, Russia, Great Britain, France, and various Arab countries.

If this seems like piling on, it of course is–it doesn’t take much imagination to see how the hammer is going to drop on us in the coming days and months.  

**The remarkable thing is . . .

 . . . that the hammer is going to drop at a moment when tens of thousands of “refugees” are beating down the doors of Europe. More than 10,000 entered Germany yesterday as German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany has an unlimited capacity to absorb refugees.

Albanian "refugees" flying into Berlin.

Albanian “refugees” flying into Berlin.

A little explanation about why your humble servant writes “refugees”: many of those flooding Europe are indeed refugees–particularly those from Syria, Iraq, Libya, and the Sudan. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that many are not refugees but are migrants in search of an economic improvement in their lives. In this latter category, we can include the tens of thousands who are in the “refugee” pipeline from places like Albania and the Balkans.


The European refugee debacle is getting a wide audience in Israel with unbelievable statements coming from the Israeli left yesterday.
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Following up on a similar statement made on Thursday by Meretz leader Gal-on, Isaac Herzog–the leader of the opposition Herzog/Livni party that lost the last election– issued this mindless declaration:

“I spoke with Syrian opposition leader Kamal al-Labwani on the topic of Israel taking in refugees from the fighting in Syria, and to push for an urgent international conference to discuss the matter. I call on the Israeli government to carry out a process of absorbing refugees from Syria in addition to humanitarian efforts already being made now. Jews cannot be indifferent when hundreds of thousands of refugees are searching for a safe haven.”

So, do we have this straight? 

Herzog wants Israel to “absorb” hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees? Not merely offer them a “temporary safe haven”, but to “absorb” them into this country?

And, we might add, he is talking about hundreds of thousands of predominantly Muslim refugees with all kinds of political allegiances but all united in a hatred of Israel.

Obviously, such an absorption would dramatically tilt the demographic situation this country and cause economic travail on a grand scale. Israel is already suffering from severe economic cuts–mainly in defense spending–and Herzog wants to flood the country with “refugees”?

What about having the Syrian refugees go to other Arab countries? Saudi Arabia has plenty of space as does Egypt. Why not have refugees go there?

Of course, there is an ulterior motive behind Herzog’s declaration (and we’re not just talking about the political one of possible adding thousands of possible Herzog/Livni voters to election rolls). Herzog is working in obvious collusion with PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas who not so coincidentally took his own action yesterday.

Abbas now wants the UN to pressure Israel into opening the doors of the “West Bank” and Gaza to Palestinian “refugees” from Syria and Lebanon. Abbas said it is “a right for all Palestinians living in exile and in refugee camps.”

What he failed to add is that there are 27 “Palestinian refugee” camps now operating in the Palestinian state of Gaza and in the Palestinian state in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria.

Why have these Palestinians been kept in “refugee camps” by the Palestinians for the last 65 years? Because they are supposed to return to their homes “in Israel.”

You can bet that any “Palestinian refugees” who come to the “West Bank” and “Gaza” would also be chucked by the Palestinians into Palestinian refugee camps to await their return to Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Ashdod.

In sum, Israel is doing its part to alleviate the suffering of Syrians by bringing in wounded Syrians everyday to be treated at Israeli hospitals and clinics. If Germany wants to absorb unlimited numbers of refugees, that is Germany’s business. But to think that Israel should do so is nonsense. And to think that Palestinian “refugees” should be escorted into Judea and Samaria is the epitome of idiocy.


Israel (22,072 km2) is 0.06 times as large as Germany (357,114 km2). In terms of population, Israel has just over 8 million citzens while Germany has slightly more than 81 million.





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