A Sunday Compendium of News from Israel

26 Adar I 5776

Sunday, March 6 2016

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UPDATES 5 pm Israel time

–>Palestinian terror today.

Thwarted Palestinian stabbing attempts have taken place at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and at the Malha Shopping Mall in Jerusalem. In both cases, terrorists were spotted by alert Border Guards and captured.

A “choking” attack occurred this morning in the Old City of Jerusalem. A Jewish boy was assailed by terrorists, but fortunately escaped with his life when nearby Border Guards heard his screams.

“Rock” attacks have taken place throughout eastern Jerusalem in the A-Tur, Ras al-Amud, Shuafat, and Qalandiya neighborhoods. More “rocks” were thrown in such places as Hizma, Rachel’s Tomb, and Hebron.

–>Appropriate punishment?

In an amazing decision today, a terrorist who attempted to carry out a stabbing attack in the Jewish community of Karmi Tzur was sentenced to just 18 weeks in prison. 

18 weeks, 4.5 months: this is now what an Israeli court thinks is the appropriate penalty for trying to kill Jews?

One fact you can be sure of, dear reader: 18 weeks from now, the same terrorist will walk into another Jewish community, take a knife out of her bag, and try to kill more Jews.

–>Another restriction.

As of today you can add one more restriction on Jews who visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

In addition to not being able to pray, not being able to carry a Torah, not being able to wear a necklace with a Star of David, not being able to sing, not being able to bow, and not being able to have an Israeli flag  . . . as of this morning Jews can no longer drink on the Mount.

No water bottles are now permitted by the Jerusalem police who always kowtow to the dictates of the Jordanian Islamic Wakf.

–>Orwell is laughing.

It was announced yesterday that Nobel Peace Prize recipient Adolfo Perez Esquival of Argentina has nominated Palestinian arch-murderer Marwan Barghouti for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

Barghouti is currently serving five life sentences for murder and attempted murder. 

He is just the type of person that the Norwegians would choose for the honor (remember that the Nobel Peace Prize is the only one of the Nobel Prizes awarded in Norway).

–>Putin is not laughing.

In a surprising turn of events, the Russian president has suspended the transfer of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system to Iran because Iran has been caught giving Russian SA-22 missiles to Hezbollah.

Of course, it was Israel that informed Putin of what was going on, but then the information was confirmed by Russian planes flying over Lebanon.

–>More illegal EU buildings are destroyed.

Crews are continuing to clear 16 more structures that were destroyed by the Civil Administration on Friday. These included a gas station, 5 buildings in Hizmah, 9 structures in Wadi Kelt, and one more at the Al-Mog intersection.

For once, your humble servant must applaud the Civil Administration for what appears to be a concerted attempt to reverse what the European Union is brazenly attempting. That attempt to move Palestinians from Areas A and B to Area C is in specific contravention of the Geneva Convention.

Can you imagine what the outcry would be if Israel tried to move Palestinians from Area C to Areas A and B?


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