Israel Goes Election Crazy

6 Cheshvan

November 7, 2016


Palestinian terror 

After a weekend in which Palestinian terrorists attacked more than 60 targets, Sunday (the first day of the week in Israel) saw another 20+ attacks.

There were three especially violent attacks on buses at Turmus’ayya, Azzun, and Umm Salmona. In all three incidents, passengers on the buses were treated for shattered glass wounds and trauma. As you can infer, all three buses were badly damaged.

As for the usual “rock” and Molotov assaults, Israelis at Beit El, on Route 443, near Kfar Etzion, in Issawiya, and Bir Nabala were among the hardest hit.

There is no end to European hypocrisy

The European Union Committee on Middle East Affairs met in Brussels a few days ago and decided to send notices to EU members asking them to demand that Israel reimburse the EU for the illegally built EU buildings and infrastructure that Israel has destroyed in Area C of Judea and Samaria.

Can you believe it?

First, without any notification, the EU constructs illegal buildings and roads in Israel’s Area C . . . in fact, hundreds of such buildings and miles of roads. This is being done in an effort to bring about the ethnic transfer of Palestinians out of Areas A and B and into C. Then, Israel discovers the buildings and roads on our land and razes them. And now, the EU wants to be reimbursed.

It’s almost as unbelievable as the Dead Sea Scrolls

So now, the PLO wants “its historical treasures” returned. Claiming that the Dead Sea Scrolls were robbed from “Palestine” (actually Qumran is in Area C), the PLO is now demanding the United Nations convene a special meeting to consider the theft of items of “Palestinian heritage”.

By the way, the PLO is not only demanding the return of the Scrolls but also most of the items in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem.

And you know what?

UNESCO and the United Nations will concur with the PLO that every item of Jewish heritage and history is, in reality, Palestinian.

A follow-up to the Supreme Court Justice controversy

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Chief Justice Miriam Naor reached agreement yesterday on Shaked’s proposed law to reduce the number of votes needed on the Justice Selection Committee from 7 to 5.

According to the agreement, the bill will remain on the Knesset calendar, but will not go forward unless the Selection Committee cannot agree on new Justices.

In short, Shaked has won this round by continuing to have the possibility of such a law if the Supreme Court members of the committee insist on new leftist Justices.

The fallout from last Friday’s fiasco at the Kotel

As predicted a few days ago, the provocation of Reform and Conservative Jews as well as the so-called Women of the Wall was a pyrrhic victory which will do nothing except postpone any agreement on worship at the Kotel.

Today the orthodox are refusing to even participate in a Knesset tour of the Kotel because Reform and Conservative representatives have been invited to participate. More than this, the orthodox are demanding that the police undertake a criminal investigation of what happened last Friday–particularly about how the provocateurs ran roughshod over the security guards that were there.

An agreement about the Kotel now seems farther away than ever. Congratulations to the Reform and Conservative movements and especially to the Women of the Wall.


Israel Goes Election Crazy

The Jerusalem Post front page this morning (all rights reserved by the Jerusalem Post).

The Jerusalem Post front page this morning (all rights reserved by the Jerusalem Post).

Take a look at the front page of the Jerusalem Post this morning.

The main half-page headline bizarrely reads:


Say what? World braces with fear and uncertainty? Is a giant meteorite about to strike the planet? Have Islamic State saboteurs captured all the capitals of Europe? Has a heretofore unknown virus wiped out the populations of north and south America?

Back to the front page.

Under the headline is a graphic image of a dour looking Clinton and Trump with the world FLORIDA in the middle showing that the most recent poll has Clinton at 47.7 % and Trump at 46.8%.

To the left of the headline is a giant picture of Trump with arms outstretched at the podium at a campaign rally in Sioux City, Iowa.

Under that picture are two smaller headlines:

CLINTON VS TRUMP: “the evil of 2 lessers”



There is more election coverage below all of that and on the pages within the newspaper, but you get the idea.

And if you think this coverage is something, try today’s Yediot Aharanot newspaper in which the first 10 pages of the paper are devoted to nothing except the election with everything from pictures of the candidates with their spouses to a gigantic electoral map on a two page spread. 

All of this is not even to mention that all of the Israeli television networks have a team of correspondents in the U.S. to cover every aspect of the election–and have been leading off the evening news every night with another 15 minutes of election coverage.

And every time your humble servant walks out of the house, the question on everyone’s tongue is “Who do you think is going to win the election?”

Tomorrow, I will tell you who I think is going to win and why.



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