What do they really mean to you?

13 Cheshvan

November 14, 2016


The Rabin Anniversary Farce Knows No End

It’s amazing how the anniversary of former PM Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination is being played out. From the demonstration in Rabin Square last week to the spectacle in the Knesset yesterday, it has wavered between the pathetic and the absurd.

And the main theme of the “left” has been that “Netanyahu caused the assassination.” Yesterday in the Knesset, we had the forever grandstanding Yitzhak Herzog ranting that PM Netanyahu should wear a sackcloth and cover his face with ashes on each anniversary of Rabin’s death.

That comment was met with a fiery response from Naftali Bennett who correctly told Herzog that he should be ashamed.

The Amona controversy continues

Yesterday also saw the Knesset pass out of a ministerial committee a law that would retroactively “legalize” Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria that may have been built on absentee property–which is apparently what happened in the case of Amona.

In any case, the controversy shows no signs of abating with Netanyahu and Attorney General Mandelblit on one side, and almost everyone else on the other led by Naftali Bennett. The law must pass three more votes in the Knesset before it would actually become law.

However, the simple fact is that unless the law is made into a Basic Law, Netanyahu and Mandelblit are correct in saying that the Israel Supreme Court will throw it out.


What do they really mean to you?

Virtually everyday on israelstreet, we begin by listing the Palestinian terror that took place the day before. The reason we do this is that the terror is almost never reported in the mainstream media and we want to drive home the point that Israeli lives are constantly at danger from Palestinian terrorists.

It is fact that the world chooses to ignore.

So when your humble servant tells you today that Israelis were attacked yesterday at Beit Einun, Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem, Sinjil, Shiloh, Migron, A-Tur in Jerusalem, Ma’ale Amos, Beit Ummar,  Mt. Hevron, Bani Na’im, Beit Horon, Sur Bahir, Har Bracha, Al-Khader in Gush Etzion, and Umm Salmona among other places, what do these places really mean to you?

Without geographic context, they are just a list of names on a page.

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Today’s blog is a map with some of the above places numbered, so you can see for yourself where the attacks took place–where Palestinians attempted to kill Israelis yesterday (look for the numbers on the map; for example, number 1 on the map is the location of Rachel’s Tomb):

  1. Rachel’s Tomb,2. Beit Einun, 3. Sinjil, 4. Shiloh, 5, Migron, 6. Ma’ale Amos, 7. Beit Ummar, 8. Bani Na’im, 9. Sur Bahir, 10. Har Bracha.


The next time you read “throughout Judea and Samaria”, remember this map.











Note that there are 4

Note that the communities in the north of Mevo Dotan and Hermesh are both located in Area C right on the line between C and A, Ma’aleh Levona is also in C, Har Gilo is in C, and that the southern communities of Karmei Tzur and Beit Chagai are also in C.

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