The Final Ramadan Insult, Courtesy of the Netanyahu Government

27 Sivan 5778

10 June 2018


The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

*More fires have been set in communities all along the Gaza border. All ten of them are now under control, but thousands of more acres of land have been burned.

*The IDF announced today that a unique Hamas underwater tunnel has been destroyed. The tunnel began underground in Gaza and ended underwater in the Mediterranean off the coast. Obviously it was a tunnel which would have enabled Palestinian terrorists to attack Israel from the sea.

The State Prosecutor’s Office strikes again . . .

Try to map your mind around this.

Four years ago, Israeli border police officer Ben Deri shot and killed a Palestinian terrorist in the midst of a riot outside the Ofer prison “celebrating” Nakba Day. A heavily edited video produced by a “humanitarian” organization suggested that the border police officer was at fault.

Finally this year after a long trial, the Border policeman was convicted of “causing death by negligence and aggravated injury.” He was sentenced to nine months in prison and ordered to pay compensation to family of the dead terrorist. But at least he was acquitted of murder.

However, the State Prosecutor’s Office took the extraordinary step today of filing an appeal to the Supreme Court demanding that the decision be voided and a more severe punishment be levied against our Border policeman.

Can you believe this?

Of course you can.

You can believe this too . . .

There are many reasons for the increasing divide between Jews in America and those in Israel. Yet another reason appeared this week when it was revealed that Jewish summer camp counselors in the U.S. from the Reform, Conservative, and liberal movements just underwent a propaganda indoctrination from the hideous organization IfNotNow.

IfNotNow is a viciously anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian group that travels the world trashing Israel. When the content of the indoctrination was revealed, the Conservative movement quickly disavowed knowledge of what had happened.

But the damage had been done.

Tourism continues on its upward surge . . .

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 1.85 million visitors came to Israel between January 1 and June 1–a 22% increase over the same period last year.

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In May alone, 421,000 visitors arrived in the country.

More alternative energy for Israel . . .

The largest wind energy project in the history of Israel is now on track for the northern Golan Heights in Emek Habacha (the Vale of Tears).

With a planned capacity of almost 100 megawatts, it will produce electricity which will cost 35.81 agorot per kilowatt hour. The project financing is expected to finalized by September 4 of this year, and construction of the windmills should begin shortly thereafter.

The only downside of the project is that the lead group, Enlight Renewable Energy Solutions, is a subsidiary of Eurocom Group. Anything associated with Europe is highly problematical.



The Final Ramadan Insult, Courtesy of the Netanyahu Government


The scene on the Temple Mount yesterday.

The scene on the Temple Mount yesterday as Muslims bowed in prayer.

280,000 Muslims prayed on the Temple Mount yesterday, the final Friday of Ramadan. 


280,000 at the holiest place in Judaism.

280,000 where not 1 Jew is allowed to bow in prayer.

280,000 on one day where Israelis consider it a victory if 2,000 Jews are allowed to go in a month.

280,000 including “worshipers” from Gaza, Turkey, and who knows how many other Israel-hating places on the globe.

280,000 permitted by the Netanyahu government which, in the name of political correctness, exults in setting new records for Muslim worship on our Temple Mount. 

Your humble servant has no words for the egregious discrimination against Jews on the Temple Mount and the embrace of Muslims there except to say that the situation is utterly pathetic.

This entry was posted in News and tagged ben deri, Border Policeman, enlight, fires, golan, Israel, Jerusalem, jews, may, muslims, palestinian terror, Ramadan, surge, temple mount, tourists, underwater tunnel, wind energy. Bookmark the permalink.

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