Setting The Record Straight: PM Netanyahu Was NOT Indicted

24 Adar I 5779

1 March 2019

The News On The Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Al-Aruv, the Al-Khader Junction, Hizma, Hawara, Tekoa, Hevron, near Elon Moreh, beside the Tapuach Junction, and Marta: these were 10 of some 30 locations at which Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs attacked Israelis in Judea and Samaria.

Sexual assault allegations against Benny Gantz . . .

Nava Ron Jacob, the woman who made the original claim about Benny Gantz’s egregious sexual assault has now made it official by filing a complaint with the police in the U.S.

It is amazing how the leftist Israeli media has rallied to Gantz’s defense in recent days by both suppressing the allegations against Gantz, and by attacking those who helped the woman come forward.

It is permissible to kill him . . .

Remember Ahed Tamami the Pallywood terror activist who served time in Israeli prison last year for assaulting IDF soldiers in Judea and Samaria?

This morning it was revealed that she had something to say  on Facebook about Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a leading Temple Mount activist who has already survived one assassination attempt in which he was shot 4 times in the chest by a Palestinian terrorist.

Tamimi’s incitement:  “Yehuda Glick is the most disgusting person on earth, and it is permissible to kill him.”

The comment was accompanied by a picture of Glick at the Temple Mount with an X painted on his face.

Tamimi should immediately be chucked right back into prison for incitement to murder.

Another successful maneuver by Genesis . . .

Following an unsuccessful maneuver last week, the Genesis is back on course to the moon following a successful 4 minute burn of its main engine.

The next scheduled maneuver comes next week.

Go Genesis!



Setting The Record Straight: PM Netanyahu Was NOT Indicted 

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Indicted For Bribery and Fraud”

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MSNBC News headline yesterday

If your humble servant hears or reads one more report about how Attorney General Mandelblit indicted PM Netanyahu yesterday, he is going to regurgitate.

Seriously, there seems to be no end to the fake news about what happened.

Allow me to recapitulate what happened and what is going to happen next.

1. Attorney General Mandelblit “recommended” yesterday that PM Netanyahu be indicted for various crimes involving Cases 1000, 2000, and 4000.

2. The next step is that the evidence that Mandelblit supposedly has against Netanyahu is supposed to be released. Mandelblit had announced earlier this week that he would release that evidence after the Israeli election on April 9.

3. However, yesterday Mandelblit backtracked and said that he might release the evidence before then because (as your humble servant observed on israelstreet yesterday) there is no way to stop the information from leaking out. There is even a report this morning that Netanyahu’s lawyers are asking that the evidence be released as soon as possible.

4. Regardless of when the evidence is released, it will take months for Netanyahu’s lawyers to sift through the mountain of evidence.

5. After they have sifted, a hearing will be held about the recommendations. Yesterday, I wrote that the hearing would probably take place in about 4 months. This morning, the new prediction is that the hearing will take place in 2020.

Yes, 2020. 

6. At that hearing, Netanyahu’s lawyers will answer the charges and present evidence in defense of their client. The hearing could go on for months.

7. At the conclusion of the hearing, a judge or judges will determine whether to indict Netanyahu on all, some, or none of the charges.

8. If he is indicted, a trial will then ensue at some point later. It is expected that a trial could last “years.”

Yes, years. 

So, to summarize, PM Netanyahu was accused of corruption crimes yesterday by Attorney General Mandelblit who recommended that he be indicted, but he was NOT indicted.  Will he be indicted? Almost certainly so, but it will most likely not happen until 2020.


This entry was posted in News and tagged ahed tamimi, Al Aruv, benny gantz, beside the Tapuach Junction, fake news, genesis, hawara, hevron, hizma, incitement to murder, indicted, Israel, mandelblit, moon, msnbc, near Elon Moreh, Netanyahu, palestinian terror, permissable to kill him, sexual assault, tekoa, the Al-Khader Junction, yehuda glick. Bookmark the permalink.

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