When Fools Rush In

Yom Chamishee-Shishee


10-11 Iyar 5781

April 22-23 2021


Special Notice

Your humble servant is currently traveling and will publish OneIsrael as circumstances permit.


The Latest Corona Update

The numbers below are updates to our last posting 72 hours ago.

837,870 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.

There are 561 newly confirmed cases (@187 per day)

160 are in critical condition—a decrease of 31

97 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 14

6,346 have died–an increase of 4 (@1 per day)

There are currently 1,897 active Corona cases.

5,374,276 have been vaccinated (5,005,418 of these have received two shots).

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In short, the numbers are startlingly good–especially insofar as the number of daily deaths is concerned. 



When Fools Rush In

The situation has gotten out of hand in eastern Jerusalem. With one Arab attack on Jews after another and social media swamped with videos like the two below, Israelis are now forming response teams in order to protect themselves.

First take a look at these two attacks:

A Jewish man being attacked in Jerusalem

Another Jewish man set upon by a gang of Arabs near the Damascus Gate

And there have been dozens of more attacks ranging from on the Mt. of Olives (three Israelis hospitalized) to in the A-Tur neighborhood (where another motorist was trapped in his car and very nearly died) to the Mahane Yehuda market to virtually every gate of the Old City.

Interestingly but not surprisingly, as these incidents targeting Jews have increased and become more severe, the world has said nothing. There have been few media reports and even fewer comments from world governments.

Until yesterday.

When we had this noxious comment from the Biden Administration: “We are concerned about the violent incidents in Jerusalem. We hope that the various parties will call for an end to incitement.”

Why yesterday?

Because Jews organized a protest march which from Safra Square to the Damascus Gate. Hundreds of protesters shouted angry anti-Arab chants.

In other words, when Jews try to organize to protect themselves, fools such as  those in the Biden Administration rush in.

One final word: this surge in Arab violence has taken place because terrorists know that they can get away with it. They have to look no further than the daily violence in Judea and Samaria which goes virtually unchecked and the missile fire from Gaza which goes virtually unresponded to in order to see that push comes to shove, Israeli authorities are too obsessed with political correctness to do anything of import.

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