“The Ugly Israeli”? No Way

Yom Shleeshee


20 Cheshvan 5782

October 26 2021



Photo of the Morning

What do you think you are looking at?

What do you think you are looking at? Amoeba swimming in solution?


Your humble servant took this photo at around 9 am this morning here in Ashdod after being called outside by my wife who excitedly told me to look at “the balloons” in the sky. Sure enough, we had another explosive balloon cluster drifting very high directly over our house here in south Ashdod.

Unfortunately, my telephone does not have a telephoto lens for that kind of distance (as you can see from the blurry photo), but what we could see with our eyes were two colored balloons holding a large detonator (which was reflecting sunlight).  Eventually the balloon cluster drifted further north as we called the local police to report what we were seeing.

 The News on the Israeli Street

The daily Corona update . . .

835 more Israelis were confirmed “yesterday” as having Covid-19. There are now 11,578 active cases in the country.

1,324,040 Israelis have contracted Corona since the pandemic began.

The positive test rate yesterday was 1.02%.

258 Israelis are in serious condition with another 145 in critical condition on ventilators.

8,062 Israelis have died–13 since yesterday.

The number of active cases are down as is the positive test rate. The number of critically ill is dropping in correlation with the number of deaths. 


6,220,290 Israelis have received one dose.

5,715,624 Israelis have received two doses.

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3,906,905 Israelis have received three doses.

The government continues its concession giveaways . . .

In a rather amazing decision yesterday, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked revealed that she has authorized that 925 dunams (228 acres) of land in the Misgav Regional Council be transferred to the Arab city of Araba in the lower Galilee.

Araba (variously spelled Arabah or Arraba) is not just any city. It is located in the Sakhnin Valley and is a hotbed of anti-Israel pro-Palestinian ferment. For Shaked to sign off on this giveaway which is for the express purpose of expanding construction in Araba is nothing short of a dangerous abandonment of the Galilee region.

Kudos to Florida! . . . 

Florida has joined 5 other states in the U.S. in beginning the process of divesting from Unilever, the parent company of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream.

To begin with, Florida announced that as of today, it will stop buying shares of Unilever, and it will begin the process of selling its $139 million dollars worth of Unilever stock.



“The Ugly Israeli”? No Way

Your humble servant would be amiss to leave our weekend in Jerusalem without telling you an amazing story–and showing you the most exciting photo that I took.

Today the story, tomorrow the photo.

On Thursday evening, we had to take the Jerusalem Light Rail from the City Hall stop toward Mt. Herzl to the Mahane Yehuda stop. Before you get on the train, you must buy a ticket from a ticket machine at the train stop.

As I noted yesterday, the city was packed with people as was the train stop. So we walked up to the machine and started to buy two tickets. At the train stop, there is a digital clock that shows when the next train will arrive; in this case it was 6 minutes away.

However, the machine would not work no matter how we tried to pay whether by currency or credit card.

Finally, a young woman saw our consternation and attempted our rescue. She too tried everything to no avail. Meanwhile, the clock had ticked down to 3 minutes.

Then another man at the stop also weighed in–again to no avail. By this time, not only was there a crowd trying to help us but also there was a crowd waiting to buy a ticket behind us. 

Finally, a young Israeli of Russian background stepped forward. He also tried everything to no avail–and then even volunteered to give us his Rav pass (for public transportation) so we could pay on the train itself. By this time, the train had arrived, but we really didn’t want to take his pass.

I told him to go ahead and get on the train, but he answered “The train is a small thing; it is more important for me to help this lady” (he didn’t know “this lady” was my wife).”

So he missed his train, and now it was 4 minutes until the next train.

Finally, he determined in conjunction with other helpers that the problem was that the machine would not take any currency more than 20 shekels and that there was a problem with the credit card slot. We finally got the tickets and made the next train.

I tell you this story because there is an image of the “ugly Israeli” that seems to be common. Actually it is a common misconception, as was evidenced by the outpouring of help for us on that train platform.

Tomorrow, the most exciting photo.

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