The Major Terror Attack Thwarted In Tel Aviv Today

Yom Chamishee


12 Elul 5782

September 8 2022



Due to rolling power outages caused by extreme heat in northern California where your humble servant is visitingOneIsrael blogs will be necessarily abbreviated for the next few days. Thank you for your indulgence.

The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

A Palestinian terrorist attacked an IDF soldier with a hammer near Kfar Beitin wounding him in the face. The soldier killed the terrorist.

Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis at Hawara, Turmus’aya, between Azzun and Nebi Elias, near the Hala Checkpoint, northeast of Ramallah, between Ozrin and Avitar, at the Ma’ale Amos Junction, on Mt. Hevron, and between Gilead Farm and Yitzhar among some two dozen locations.

Palestinian terrorists attacked Jewish farmers in the Shiloh area with clubs and “rocks”.

Queen Elizabeth II dies . . .

As you all know by now, Queen Elizabeth died today at her Scottish residence Balmoral Castle. The Queen was one of the most well-traveled monarchs in the world who according to reports visited more than 100 during her long time on the throne.

100+ countries, but not Israel.

She made trips to the Middle East and north Africa and went to Jordan, Egypt, and other countries around Israel.

But not Israel. 

The official reason given was that she did not want to come to Jerusalem until the problems with the Palestinians were solved, yet she began her reign in 1952.

The Biden Administration strikes again . . . and Israel kowtows again . . .  

It was just yesterday that PM Lapid, Associate PM Bennett, and “Defense” Minister Gantz were all supposedly bravely standing up to American demands to change “open fire” IDF regulations.

The general theme 24 hours ago was “you cannot dictate to us.”

Here we are 24 hours later and the “Defense” Minister’s Office announced that following a Biden Administration “request” the discussion that was to have taken place in the planning committee of the Civil Administration regarding E1 construction between Ma’ale Adumim and Jerusalem has been postponed. 

No new date was set for the discussion.

A senior Israeli official remarked “Preventing the advancement of the E1 construction plan is a high priority for the Biden administration.”

24 hours of spine--and now Israel is back to being a spineless vassal state of the United States.

Travel, travel, and travel some more . . .

During the month of August, 1,100,000 Israelis–more than 1 out of every 10 Israelis–traveled abroad. 

On the other hand, only 247,000 foreign visitors came to Israel.


The Major Terror Attack Thwarted In Tel Aviv Today

A counter-terrorism team of the Tel Aviv District Police intercepted a heavily armed terrorist from Shechem (Nablus) today. The terrorist had a Kalashnikov assault rifle with dozens of rounds of ammunition, two homemade bombs, and a suicide note.

The two policeman who captured the terrorist were an Arab-Israeli and an Ethiopian-Israeli, both of whom are being praised for saving countless lives.

The fascinating and disgusting part of this story is that the terrorist was arrested on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in May just before he carried out a stabbing attack.

According to police transcripts, he told police at that time: “I want to be a martyr.” 

But the prosecutor’s office refused to charge him with terrorism. Instead, he was charged with “carrying a knife” and “being in Israel illegally.” He was convicted and sentenced to 4 months. The prosecution declined to appeal the light sentence.

4 months later he was out of prison and in Tel Aviv today ready to murder Israelis again.

If we have written it once, we have written it a hundred times: the Israeli judicial system is a pathetic joke.


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