The Biden Administration Stokes The Flames Again

Yom Shishee


5 Tishrei 5783

September 30 2022



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The Friday Corona Update

1,184 Israelis tested positive yesterday (out of 15,090 tested).

The positive test rate was 7.85%; the coefficient of infection was 0.82%.

80 Israelis are seriously ill; 25 are critically ill24 of these are on ventilators.

11,698 have died–11 since last Friday.

All numbers are now trending in the right direction: a dramatic drop in the positive test rate and coefficient of  infection as well as the number seriously and critically ill. Most importantly, the number of daily dead has stabilized at fewer than 2 per day.

The Friday Poll (compared to last week)

There is a wide disparity in polls again today. For example, the Channel 14 poll which leans to the “right” gives Likud 35 seats and Yesh Atid 21–with the ultimate result that the Netanyahu bloc has 62 seats.

This poll, however, is from the Maariv newspaper (which traditionally leans to the “left”):

31 (-1): Likud (Netanyahu)

24 (-1): Yesh Atid (Lapid)

13 (-1)Otzma (Ben Gvir)+National Zionism+ Noam

13 (+2): Kahol Levan/New Hope–renamed “State Camp (Gantz/Saar/Eizenkot)

8 (unchanged): Shas (Sephardic Orthodox)

7 (unchanged): United Torah Judaism (Ashkenazi Orthodox)

6 (+1): Yisrael Beiteinu (Liberman)

5 (unchanged) : Labor (Michaeli)

5 (unchanged): Meretz (Gal-On)

4 (unchanged): Hadash Tal and the Joint Arab List

4 (unchanged): Ra’am Islamic Party (Abbas)

The summary: this poll gives the Netanyahu bloc 59 seats whereas the Lapid block comes in at 57.

The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

The IDF and Shin Bet have broken up a Hamas terror cell operating out of Bir Zeit University in Ramallah. The cell received its funding and instructions from Hamas senior officials in Turkey and Gaza.

Palestinian terrorists using Molotovs, IEDs, and “rocks” attempted to murder Israelis at Hawara south of Shechem, near the Adorim Junction, on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road at Al Khader, on Road 55 after Azzun in the direction of Karni Shomron, at the archaeological area on the Gush Etzion Road, at Singil, between Azzun and the Ma’ale Shomron Junction, at Beitar, on the Ischaka Bridge between Nehemiah and Ariel, near the Ziff Junction, at Shimsha, and at a myriad of other locations.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israelis south of Givat Gal near Kiryat Arba and near Tekoa.

A glorious Sukkot is on the way . . .

The Sukkot announcement from the Temple Mount Foundation this morning.

The Sukkot announcement from the Temple Mount Foundation this morning.

A massive celebration is planned at the Kotel this year–a celebration that comes only once every 7 years.

Why once every 7 years?

When the Temple was in existence, all Israel – men, women and children – were cleansed at the end of the Shmita year (the 7th year in a seven year cycle during which all agricultural activity is forbidden so that the land can rest). We are now at the end of the Shmita year.

It was the Rambam’s opinion that it is possible to observe the mitzvot of four species on the Holy Day in Jerusalem in front of the Wall, even after the Temple was destroyed.

3 Torah scrolls will be placed in the Western Wall plaza, in the presence of the President of the State, the Chief Rabbis of Israel and the Chief Rabbis for their generations, the Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Places, Rabbis and Torah Elders.

The traditional blessing of the priests will be held on Wednesday, the 17th of Tishrei (the second of Sukkot–October 10).

Prayer times for the blessings:
Morning prayer at 8:45 a.m.
Blessing of the priests of dawn at 9:30 a.m.
Prayer of Mossaf at 10:15 a.m.
Blessing of priests of Mossaf at 10:30 a.m.

Your humble servant hopes to see you there.


The Biden Administration Stokes The Flames Again

The headlines are awash this morning touting the Palestinians’ newest cause celebre:

“Seven-year-old Palestinian boy dies after Israeli Army chase” Middle East Eye

“Palestinians say boy dies of heart failure during chase by Israeli troops” Reuters

“Palestinian boy, 7, dies after being chased by Israeli Army” Middleeastmonitor

“A child dies after falling from a high place while running away” Wafa

And on and on and on, ad nauseum.

By the way, none of the headlines are true.

The newest cause celebre is 7-year-old Rayyan Suleiman. Even the Palestinians cannot agree on how he died yesterday.

The PLO Health Ministry concocted the story that Suleiman died after falling from an unspecified height after being chased by soldiers near the Palestinian town of Tuqu south of Bethlehem.

However, the boy’s uncle told interviewers that the boy “had a heart attack” after Israeli troops came to the family’s home.

A Palestinian doctor who examined Suleiman’s body said that “it bore no sign of physical trauma and that the death appeared consistent with heart failure.”

The immediate question, as yet unanswered and probably never will be in the absence of an autopsy, is “did Suleiman have a pre-existing heart condition?”

As for the IDF, its preliminary report was simply that IDF soldiers went to the family’s home after being assaulted by “rock” throwers in the area–two of whom were Suleiman’s older brothers. Once there, the commander talked to a family member on the doorstep and then left.

Nevertheless, Biden Administration has immediately stoked the flames again by issuing marching orders to Israel.

State Department spokesman Dant Patel, ranted from the podium that “the United States is heartbroken by the death of an innocent Palestinian child, and the White House supports a thorough and immediate investigation into the circumstances of the child’s death.” 

Not a day goes by anymore that we do not hear the Biden Administration dictate to Israel.

On that unhappy note, we wish you:


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