Kerry, Clinton, and Herzog Go Wacko at the Saban Forum

25 Kislev 5776

Monday, December 7 2015



Chanukah: The second candle will be lit at sundown today.


3:44 pm: Palestinian stabbing attack. Jewish worshiper at the Cave of Patriarchs stabbed in the chest by a Palestinian terrorist. Condition unknown at this time. Terrorist shot and killed.


***Palestinian terrorism in the last 24 hours:

At 7:38 pm last night, a Palestinian terrorist from Beit Hanina carried out a bulldozer-stabbing attack against Israeli children, women, and men on Jeremiah Street in Jerusalem. First, the terrorist attempted to run over a Jewish child; then he smashed his car into a pedestrian. When he saw that the pedestrian was still alive, the terrorist then jumped out of his car and began stabbing pedestrians, including one policeman.

An IDF soldier on a passing bus who saw the attacks taking place jumped off of the bus and shot and killed the terrorist.

Do you want to have a glimpse of how out of touch the Israeli “Left” is?

Last night, Israel’s leading “Left-wing” news service YNET online (which is the online version of the newspaper Yediot Aharonot) introduced news about the above bulldozer/stabbing attack this way:

Palestinian killed at scene of stabbing, vehicular attack in Jerusalem’s Romema neighborhood; incident comes after day of calm.”

Day of calm?

It was a day of calm if you nauseatingly believe that the Jews who live in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem are not people–and that attacks on them are not attacks on Israelis.

Because here is what took place before the terrorism on Jeremiah Street last night:

Palestinian terrorists tried to burn Israelis alive with firebombs at more than 20 locations such as Samuel’s Tomb in Jerusalem (7:10 pm), at Atarot (6:55 pm), and at Al Fawwar (6:37 pm).

Palestinian terrorists attempted to smash Israelis with “rocks” at more than 20 locations such as on Road 443 (7:11 pm), Hebron Hills (6:21 pm), Sur Bahir (6:04 pm), Hizma (5:52 pm), Awa (5:32 pm), Silwan (5:30 pm), Turmus’ayya (4:56 pm), Al Moair (4:52 pm), Mt. Hebron (3:45 pm), Gush Etzion (3:39 pm), Silwad (3:07 pm), Al Zaim (2:05 pm), Beit El (1:30 pm), Tulkarm (12:11 pm), Elon Moreh (12:05 pm), Shuafat (11:53 am), Wadi Joz (11:22 pm), Qalandiya (10:46 am), Hebron (10:31 am), Silwad (10:25 am), and Makel (9:18 am).

Yes, it was a very “calm” day.

Oh, and what about the “little” issue of attempted attacks on Israel oil and gas wells? We still know very little about that today.

***Let’s revisit the bulldozer/stabbing terror attack on Jeremiah Street last night one more time . . . and once again the issue of the Israeli “Left” . . .

Remember the heroic IDF soldier who jumped off the bus and killed the terrorist?

After that attack last night, Israel’s ultra-Leftist Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein sickeningly declared that his office would take action against civilians or security forces who use disproportionate “force” to stop terrorists or to kill them. He went on to declare that he is already examining cases in which terrorists have been killed.

Can you believe this? Of course you can. This is precisely the sort of lunacy that Weinstein has been pursuing for over a year now.

Let’s hope he does not go after the IDF soldier from last night.

***Away from the world of violence . . .

Tourism magazine Conde Nast published its list of the 10 best airports in the world yesterday. Not surprisingly (you should visit it sometime), Changi Airport in Singapore came in first, followed by Dubai International Airport and Hong Kong International Airport.

But what a surprise at number 4 . . . Ben Gurion Airport in Israel–primarily because “it is known as one of the most secure airports in the world.”

Tomorrow night, your humble servant will be going through Ben Gurion on his way to the United States.


One doesn’t know what to make of U.S. Secretary of State Kerry anymore. Is he a delusional diplomat, uninformed simpleton, malevolent Obama-ist, or a combination of all three? And what are we to say about Hillary Clinton and Yitzhak Herzog?

Yesterday, all three of them went “wacko” (pardon the slang) at the ultra-left Saban Forum.

First, we had an angry, finger-pointing (literally) Kerry harshly castigating Israel for everything from undertaking a “unilateral annexation” of Judea and Samaria to being on the verge of creating an apartheid state with a “permanent underclass” of “millions of Palestinians.”

Along the way, he spouted the usual demographic canard: “How does Israel possibly maintain its character as a Jewish and democratic state when, from the river to the sea, there would not even be a Jewish majority?”

Does “from the river to the sea to the sea” sound familiar? All we need is for Kerry to don a Palestinian keffiyeh and complete the chant: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Kerry went on to lambaste Israel . . .

–for not allowing “a single permit” for Palestinian construction in Area C of Judea and Samaria during the past year (should we remind him that Area C is under Israeli administrative and security control and that only 4% of the Palestinians who live in Judea and Samaria live there?) . . .

–and for “demolishing Palestinian homes” (how many homes of terrorists have been demolished–between 5 and 10?) . . .

–and for “growing settlements” (dare we remind Kerry that virtually no construction has taken place in Jewish communities in the last 6 years?)

But the most profound disconnect of the day at Saban came from Kerry and Hillary Clintonboth of whom angrily denounced Israel citizens for not telling their leaders that they want to have peace with the Palestinians. 

What neither Kerry nor Clinton understand is that Israel’s citizens spoke earlier this yearin an election. We elected the people whom we most identified with in terms of how to deal with the Palestinians.

But you would think that election never took place . . . especially when the delusional Yitzhak Herzog took the stage–the same Herzog of the Herzog-Livni party which decisively lost the election in March.

What was the good news that Herzog had for his fellow lefties at the Forum?

That he was solely focused on one thing: “replacing Bibi.” He even went so far as to crow that when the Netanyahu coalition fails, President Rivlin can ask him (Herzog) to form a new government without calling for new elections.

Say what? 

Of course that is the only way that Herzog could become Prime Minister–through some undemocratic parliamentary trick.

Kerry, Clinton, and Herzog–birds of a feather and “wackos” together.

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