Wednesday Updates: Couple Shot in Drive By Attack; Jewish Worshipers Stabbed


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27 Kislev 5776

Wednesday, December 9 2015

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please note that your humble servant is still in transit toward his second home in northern California, and is writing this abbreviated blog from the Los Angeles Airport. Please note that the regular israelstreet blog will resume on Friday morning PST.

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UPDATES 10:00 pm Israel time 

***Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Wednesday has been another day with at least 50 Palestinian attacks targeting Israeli men, women, and children.

Perhaps the most egregious attack occurred at 7:30 pm when terrorists in a car fired 23 bullets into an Israeli car between Avnei Hefetz and Einav in Samaria. Two Israelis (a husband and wife both over 60 years old) were badly wounded. The terrorists escaped. This attack did not have to happen. The road that terrorists were on was closed to Arab traffic until yesterday–at which time the idiotic IDF COGAT Command ordered it reopened.

Another stabbing took place in the Beit Hadassah neighborhood of Hebron just after noon today with another two Jews stabbed. Both of them remain in very serious condition with numerous wounds. The terrorist was shot and killed.

In addition to the above, there were at least 45 “rock” and Molotov firebomb attacks in such places at Tulkarm, Al-Ram, Nabala, and Bethlehem. There were simply too many attacks to mention them all here today.


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