Updates on the 6th night of Chanukah


Happy 6th night of Chanukah! (image courtesy of rotter.net).

Happy 6th night of Chanukah (already the sixth night in Israel!) Image courtesy of rotter.net.

29 Kislev 5776

Friday, December 11 2015 (actually it is already Shabbat in Israel).

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please note that your humble servant has completed his travels back to California. Please expect israelstreet blogs to appear at about 8 pm Israel time for the next six months until he returns to Israel. Thank you for your patience.

UPDATES 10:00 pm

Palestinian terrorism today . . .

at 8:30 pm, a 3-week-old baby was wounded when the car he was riding in was hit by Palestinian terrorists throwing “rocks”. At this moment, he is still in surgery having glass slivers removed from his face. The terrorists escaped.

at 3:15 pm, a Palestinian terrorist was shot to death on the Halhul Bridge near Hebron. He was the brother of a terrorist who was also killed when she tried to stab a soldier the Cave of the Patriarchs a few weeks ago.

at 2:07 pm, a 55-year-old Palestinian terrorist attempted to run over Israeli soldiers near Kiryat Arba beside Hebron. A number of soldiers were wounded. The terrorist was shot and killed.

at 12:00 pm, a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on Border Guards at the Gilboa (Jalama) Checkpoint near Jenin. No Israelis were wounded. The terrorist was shot, wounded, and escaped.

There have been at least 30 other “rock” and Molotov attacks throughout the day.

***More of this blog will follow in the coming hours.


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