Iran: A Major Success in Yemen But Something Less in Syria

2 Tiveth 5776

Monday, December 14 2015 

UPDATES 5:00 pm Israel Time

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***Palestinian terrorism in the last 24 hours . . .

At 2:58 pm this afternoon, a terrorist rammed his car into waiting passengers at a bus stop on Herzl St. in Jerusalem near the Chords Bridge at the western entrance into the city. 11 Israelis were wounded, one infant critically. The terrorist was shot and killed.

The scene of the attack a few hours ago on a rain-soaked Jerusalem street. Note the policewoman at the door to the car with the dead terrorist still at the wheel. Medical personnel at under the bus stop shelter helping the wounded.

The scene of the attack a few hours ago on a Jerusalem street (the water is coming from a fire hydrant that was run over). Note the policewoman at the door to the car with the dead terrorist still at the wheel. Medical personnel are under the bus stop shelter helping the wounded.

What else has occurred in the last 24 hours?

An attempted stabbing in Kiryat Arba at 2:13 pm, a missile attack against the western Negev region along the Gaza border at 8:10 pm, a pipe bomb thrown at IDF troops in Qalandiya at 10:55 pm, Molotov firebombs thrown at Husan at 7:32 pm, “rocks” thrown all over Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem all day–these were a few of the more than 40 Palestinian attacks yesterday and today.

***The controversy over Rivlin escalates . . .

To say that Israelis are upset with President Rivlin is a gross understatement.

Rivlin’s recent performance at the White House where he obsequiously groveled to President Obama while applauding a major delegitimizer of Israel, only to be followed by his appearance at a Ha’aretz newspaper conference in New York which included the abominable Breaking the Silence group has left many shaking their heads.

And worse.

A new Facebook post from Israel’s Channel 20 has gone viral:

The post reads:

The post reads: “You Are NOT my president.”

***Speaking of the Ha’aretz conference in New York . . .

What are we to say about the fact that the Israeli newspaper kowtowed to PLO representative Saeb Erekat and removed the Israeli flag so that Erekat would appear on stage?

Again, Israelis are outraged but not surprised. Nothing that the Israeli Left does to delegitimize this country surprises anyone any more. But the lack of national pride exhibited by Ha’aretz is revolting.

***Speaking of Breaking the Silence . . .

What are we to say about Israel’s so-called “Defense” Minister Moshe Ya’alon’s limp statement yesterday: “I will attempt to stop all connections between the IDF and Breaking the Silence.”

I will attempt?

Such is the nature of Moshe Ya’alon that he cannot act decisively against anyone–except Jewish teenagers whom he regularly orders rounded up in Judea and Samaria for no crimes whatsoever.

***Speaking of those round-ups . . .

The Israel Supreme Court yesterday, in the personage of Justice Salim Joubrani, reaffirmed once again that the country is turning into a banana republic.

Once again, Joubrani rejected the petitions of Jewish teenagers being administratively detained (read “imprisoned”) that they be allowed to meet with lawyers.

The petition involved 3 teenagers who have been imprisoned now for months without having been charged with any crime, without legal representation, and without access to their families.


In case you missed it, yesterday was a disastrous one for Saudi coalition forces in Yemen in their fight against the Iranian supported Houthis.

Apparently more than 150 Saudis, Gulf forces, and private Blackwater “security” employees were killed when a missile struck their position near Taiz. Among the dead were four senior commanders, including Saudi Commander Abdullah Al-Sahyan and UAE Commander Sultan Al Katbi.

The attack comes one day before the ceasefire which will go into effect tomorrow. The net effect is to leave the strategic straits of Bab El Mandeb (just south of Dhubab on the map below) at the mercy of Iran.

Note the strategic importance of Taiz.

Note the strategic importance of Taiz.

Interestingly, while Iran is finding success in Yemen, the results of the last few days have indicated that its efforts in Syria have not been going so well. 

Yesterday, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in Syria named a new commander, General Al-Ghaith–which of course begs the question of what has happened to famed General Qasem Soleimani. Was he killed or severely wounded last month? Who knows?

All we know is that General al-Ghaith should be particularly careful. The following picture of him and Soleimani appeared online yesterday–and we all know what happens to people who have been photographed with Soleimani:

Al-Ghaith (left) with Soleimani.

Al-Ghaith (left) with Soleimani.

We can only hope that al-Gaith will suffer the usual fate.

But the bottom line is that Iran, with the help of many in the West, continues its march toward regional dominance.



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