SkyStar: Israel Protecting The World

5 Tiveth 5776

Thursday, December 17 2015

UPDATE 6:43 pm Israel time:

Incoming missile sirens sound for Eshkol region of southern Israel as Palestinian terrorists fire rockets from Gaza.

UPDATES 6:00 pm Israel time

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***Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

More than 40 Palestinian terror attacks have struck Israeli civilians and soldiers today.

A stabbing attack took place at the Hawara Junction this morning at 10:45 am. The terrorist attempted to stab three soldiers, but inflicted no wounds. He was shot and killed.

A shooting attack took place early this morning (between 12-1 am) at an IDF force in Qalandiya. No soldiers were wounded, and the terrorists escaped.

Massive “rock” attacks have taken place during the day at Sha’ar Benyamin, Gush Etzion, Sharkia, Anatot, Mt. Hebron, Beit Romano in Hebron, Tulkarm, Al Fawwar, Sinjil, Psagot, the Pharmacy Checkpoint in Hebron, Hader, Issawiya, Shechem, Hebron Hills, Mt. Hebron bypass road, Karnei Shomron, and many other places.

***As soon as a terrorist attack occurs . . .

. . . the PLO rushes to glorify him. Within two hours of the attack this morning at Hawara, Fatah was already plastering this poster all over Judea and Samaria:


Pictured in front of the Kipat HaSela (Dome of the Rock) and over the Al-Aksa Mosque, the would-be murderer is extolled as a hero. And the PLO takes credit for his attack.

***Finally, the deal is done . . .

The Leviathan site off the coast of Israel.

The Leviathan gas site off the coast of Israel.

After an absurd delay of almost a year, PM Netanyahu signed the long-awaited “gas deal” today with Israeli and American companies to develop Israel’s vast resources off the coast of the country.

The deal has been heavily criticized by Israel’s Environmental Movement and by citizens who believe that they are being ripped off by corporate giants. However, the deal, which is incredibly complex, means that the Israeli people will receive approximately 60% of the profits from the wells.

Netanyahu had this to say before signing: “This gas was given to us as a gift from God. It makes us, potentially, if not an energy superpower then definitely an important international force. This plan is important to our economy because it gives us a relatively cheap source of energy.”

Your humble servant merely adds that it is way past time for this deal to happen.


Any resident of Israel is familiar with SkyStar.

On Tisha B’Av this year when your humble servant marched around the northern and eastern walls of the Old City of Jerusalem at midnight with the Women in Green, Skystar was overhead.

When your humble servant visited the seam community of Har Adar in August, Skystar was overhead.

When your humble servant was on the Syrian and Lebanese borders in November, Skystar was overhead.

When your humble servant traveled to the Gaza border on numerous occasions throughout the year, Skystar was always overhead.

But, of course, your humble servant is not the only person being protected by Skystar.

Some of the places where Skystar balloons are used (picture: skystar).

Some of the places where Skystar aerostats (balloons) are used (picture: skystar).

Last month, when Pope Francis visited Uganda, Skystar was overhead protecting him–along with a contingent of Israeli Skystar operators on the ground.

Last year, when Brazil held the World Cup, Skystar was overhead protecting the soccer venues–along with a contingent of Israeli Skystar operators on the ground.

Note the Skystar balloon upper right.

Note the Skystar balloon upper right.

Last month, when world leaders were in Paris at the World Climate Conference, Skystar was overhead protecting the leaders–along with a contingent of Israeli Skystar operators on the ground.

A Skystar balloon over the Alps.

A Skystar balloon over the Alps.

In fact, if you live in Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan, Thailand, Canada, the United States, there is a high likelihood that you are being protected by the Skystar system and operators.

So what is Skystar?

Produced by Israeli company RT based in Yavne, Skystar is “a family of aerostats (Models 100, 180, 220, 250, 300) for use in intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and communications applications. Users active in prevent-prepare-respond-recover settings requiring continuous and compact aerial support are a natural fit for Skystar products. RT delivers self-contained, versatile, easily transportable, cost-effective tactical system comprised of a mobile control station, ground system module, tether, lighter-than-air platform, stabilized payload platform and sophisticated sensor suite. SkyStar systems are easy to operate, rapidly deployed and customized for a range of operating conditions worldwide in various military and civilian missions. . .” (Source: RT website).

What are the Skystar aerostat capabilities? Reaching a height of 300 meters, the balloon contains a high-resolution camera that can take stable video in unstable conditions (from -35 to 60 degrees Celsius–and in winds up to 40 knots). It can stay aloft for 3 days at a time. Operated by a two-man team, the Skystar aerostats send information to a ground control installation.

The Skystar control panel.

The Skystar control panel.

Your humble servant cannot speak for you, but he sleeps much better at night knowing that Skystar is overhead protecting his family.



This entry was posted in News and tagged aerostat, al fawwar, alps, Anatot, attack, balloon, Beit Romano in Hebron, brazil, gush etzion, Hader, Hebron Hills, Israel, issawiya, Karnei Shomron, mt hebron, Mt. Hebron bypass road, palestine, paris, pope francis, Psagot, Sha'ar Benyamin, Sharkia, shechem, sinjil, skystar, stabbing, terror, the Pharmacy Checkpoint in Hebron, tulkarm, world climate conference, yavne. Bookmark the permalink.

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