The Blumenthal Memos and Hillary Clinton




Breaking News–> 6:41 am Sunday: Palestinian stabbing attack. Terrorist stabs soldier behind the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem. Soldier “moderately” wounded. Terrorist captured.

14 Tiveth 5776

Saturday, December 26 2015

UPDATES 7:00 pm Israel time

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***Palestinian terror today.

In addition to the numerous “rock” and Molotov attacks that have taken place:

At 9:30 am, a Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab a police officer at Kikar Tzahal (IDF Square) near the Jaffa Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem. No Israelis were wounded. The terrorist was shot and killed.

Another Palestinian bulldozer attack took place at 3:34 pm this afternoon at the Hawara Junction. A 20-year-old IDF soldier was wounded in the legs; the terrorist was shot and “critically wounded.”

***The European Union “shoves” it in Israel’s face . . .

At precisely the moment that the Israeli government has finally decided to take a stand against the hideous anti-IDF Breaking the Silence NGO, the European Union has decided to grant the organization 236,000 more Euros to spread lies about Israeli soldiers.

These funds will be transferred in distributions beginning immediately and extending into 2017. Specifically, the EU says that the funds are to be used for a project called the “Education for Human Rights in Israeli Society.”

More specifically, the EU says that the money should enhance “respect for human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem; and foster respect for human rights and international law within the Israeli public by having it see directly human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.”

Can you even believe this? In a European Union beset daily with “human rights” violations of all sorts–not to mention boykotts against Jews and rank anti-Semitism–the EU wants to teach Israelis about respect for human rights. 

Human rights for everyone, that is, except Israelis.



Now that the American presidential campaign is kicking into a higher gear, it is worthwhile to occasionally take a look at some of the candidates and their ideas about Israel.

Today we will briefly focus on Hillary Clinton, who, barring some catastrophe, will be the Democratic nominee.

To begin with, during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, many of us in Israel grew to despise her. In press conference after press conference, she toed the Obama line and falsely accused Israel of everything from continued construction in Judea and Samaria to what she called “deplorable” violations of Palestinian civil rights.

Now with the forced release of some of her emails and memos, we can see for ourselves how she sought and acted upon the suggestions of her advisors. Insofar as Israel is concerned, some of the most outrageous advice came from her Jewish advisors–particularly from Sandy Berger and her senior “unofficial” advisor Sidney Blumenthal.

What follows are two examples of Blumenthal memos from early in her term as Secretary of State–at the outset of Obama’s first term in office.


Blumenthal Memo 1: This memo/email was sent by Blumenthal to Clinton on June 16, 2009–two days after Netanyahu’s speech at Bar-Ilan University in which Netanyahu publicly announced his support for a Palestinian state:

“. . . On Bibi’s speech, given the Iranian crisis he is getting a pass for the moment. Good timing for him. Consequently, he is on a “I’m reasonable” tour, his favorability has skyrocketed in the latest poll by more than 20 points, and Malcolm Hoenlein is going around spreading the word that Obama cannot be trusted. The shortcomings of Bibi’s poison pill proposal should be pointed out as soon as it’s possible without complicating the Iranian crisis. Option: Pretend his statement in favor of two states is a new position (it’s in fact a reiteration of his detailed position before in more or less the same terms) but point out that his terms (his substance) would make impossible what he now says he favors. In other words, catch his transparently false and hypocritical ploy not as false and hypocritical but as a contradiction in its own terms. Sid” 


What was what Blumenthal calls Netanyahu’s “poison pill”–his “transparently false and hypocritical ploy”?  What were those terms that Netanyahu set out for a Palestinian state? If you recall, they were: the Palestinians must recognize that Israel is a Jewish state, any Palestinian state must be demilitarized, and Jerusalem must remain the united capital of Israel.

So what happened?

Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration essentially morphed Blumenthal’s suggestion “to pretend.” They accepted Netanyahu’s declared support for a Palestinian state, but pretended that he had not attached any terms to that declaration. Even today, Hillary and the Obama Adminstration continue to push this line.


Blumenthal Memo 2: This memo was sent to Clinton in advance of her speech to AIPAC on March 22, 2010. It was sent along with another memo in which Blumenthal discussed a conversation he had had with Israeli ultra-leftist Uri Avnery, in which Avnery compared the government in Jerusalem with Israeli zealots in Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple::

“This memo does not address specific policy initiatives.

What I’ve written are options. Use what you like, or none at all. Here are some ideas:

1. Hold Bibi’s feet to the fire, remind everyone he was at Wye, his key participant event in the peace process, and that it was successful.

2. Reassure all players of our commitment to the process and the solution (whatever the language is).

3. Perhaps most controversial, I would argue something you should do is that, while praising AIPAC, remind it in as subtle but also direct a way as you can that it does not have a monopoly over American Jewish opinion. Bibi is stage managing US Jewish organizations (and neocons, and the religious right, and whomever else he can muster) against the administration. AIPAC itself has become a organ of the Israeli right, specifically Likud. By acknowledging J Street you give them legitimacy, credibility, and create room within the American Jewish community for debate supportive of the administration’s pursuit of the peace process. Just by mentioning J Street in passing, AIPAC becomes a point on spectrum, not the controller of the spectrum.”


Blumenthal’s obvious point was that Hillary and the Administration should split the American Jewish community by embracing J Street which was (and is) a lackey for Barack Obama. 

So what happened?

In the speech Hillary made that day, she did not employ Blumenthal’s suggestions, but in the ensuing months, Hillary and the Administration adopted them exactly; they degraded AIPAC and embraced J Street.

In the process she, along with other Obama minions, led the successful charge to fragment the Jewish community.

What can we learn from these two memos–and tens of others like them?

Clinton is surrounded by advisers who are among some of the most anti-Israel ideologues on the American political scene. It is no exaggeration to say that her tendency has been to gradually adopt their positions as her own.

In short, she is no friend of Israel. 





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