12 Israelis Stabbed, 2 Shot as Obama Readies Absurd Peace Plan

28 Adar I 5776

Tuesday, March 8 2016

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UPDATE 10:00 pm Israel time:

The latest reports concerning the horrific stabbing of 11 people in Yaffo: the dead victim is an American tourist. In addition, 4 more of those stabbed were American citizens.

Another person stabbed is a Russian citizen. It is not clear whether the American tourists or the Russian citizen were dual-citizens.

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time:

–>Do you remember back during the 2009-2012 period that trips of Obama Administration officials to Israel–particularly those of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton–were often accompanied by vicious attack of Palestinian terrorists? American Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Israel this afternoon.

At 6:36 pm–24 minutes ago–a stabbing attack took place at the port in Yaffo. 11 Israelis were stabbed. One is dead. six others are in critical condition at a nearby hospital. The most critically wounded Israeli is a pregnant woman. The terrorist was finally shot and killed. U.S. Vice President was attending an event nearby.

At 5:07 pm–two hours ago–a major shooting attack took place in Jerusalem on Salah A-Din street close to the Damascus Gate (known in Israel as Sha’ar Shechem). Two Israeli Border Guards were wounded–one critically. The terrorist was killed.

At 4:37 pm–a terrorist stabbing attack occurred in Petah Tikva. According to witnesses, an ultra-orthodox man was stabbed in the back as he started to walk into a store on Baron Hirsch Street.  Despite being stabbed, the man was able to turn around and wrestle the knife away from his attacker. He then stabbed the terrorist who died shortly thereafter.

At 11:30 am, a female terrorist armed with a knife was captured at the Qalandiya checkpoint.

At 10:52 am, a female terrorist attempted to stab Guards on Hagai Street in the Old City of Jerusalem. She was shot and killed.

In addition to the above attacks and attempted attacks, there was another thwarted stabbing at the Abu Dis Checkpoint yesterday evening at 6:44 pm.

Throughout the day, as always, there have been numerous “rock” attacks. Some of the worst took place at the Olive Junction, the Gush Etzion bypass, the Anata intersection, the Husan bypass, and the Ras Al-Amud neighborhood in Jerusalem.

–>Meanwhile on the northern front.

During the last few days, Israel’s Bedouin trackers have uncovered a number of roadside bombs planted by Hezbollah. The bombs, disguised as rocks, pose a significant danger to IDF troops.

Without the circle, could you have spotted this bomb?

Without the circle, could you have spotted this bomb?

Few would–unless you happen to be a Bedouin and know what to look for:


–>The newest flare-up between Obama and Netanyahu.

Apparently, PM Netanyahu has canceled his annual trip to Washington. Normally, Netanyahu goes to the American capital in March, speaks to the AIPAC conference, and then meets with the President.

In the flurry of reports following the “apparent cancellation,” it is difficult to sort out exactly what happened.

The White House is blaming Netanyahu saying that Obama had invited Netanyahu to come on March 18.

Netanyahu’s office is saying that the White House could not find time for Obama to meet Netanyahu before Obama’s upcoming trip to Cuba. What is more, Netanyahu’s office is suggesting that such a meeting would not be fruitful anyway because little progress has been made on the enhanced military aid package that is being negotiated in the wake of the Iranian Appeasement Agreement.


Of course it was too much to expect . . .

. . . that a President Obama obsessed with his legacy would just leave Israel alone during the last 10 months of his presidency.

And so, another peace plan is in the works.

According to reports, the Obama plan would demand:

*that Israel stop all construction in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem

*that Israel recognize “East Jerusalem” as the capital of “Palestine”

*that Israel recognize the border between Israel and Palestine as the 1949 Armistice lines, with land swaps

In return for all of the above, the Palestinians would be asked:

*to recognize Israel as a Jewish state

*to end all claims of a right of return for so-called Palestinian “refugees”

Apparently, Obama would present his plan in a presidential speech to be followed up by a statement by the Quartet.

Can anyone take the Obama plan seriously?

Will the Palestinians ever agree to declare that Israel is a Jewish state? Of course not.

Will the Palestinians ever agree to renounce the claims of “Palestinian refugees”? Of course not. 

The plan is dead before arrival.

But that won’t stop Obama from pushing forward and castigating Israel every step of the way.  


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