The Trump Era Begins

Tivet 22, 5777

January 20, 2017

Special Notice:

Israelstreet offers best wishes to incoming U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence. Let us hope that the next four years will be a time of strengthening the ties between the United States and Israel.

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours:

There have been nearly 50 Palestinian terror attacks at such places as Shuafat, Ateret, Dura al Kara, Neve Dvash, Tulkarm (soldier wounded), A-Tur, Silwan, Rachel’s Tomb, Beit Einun, Turmus’ayya, Nabi Saleh, Ofra, Hizma, Kiryat Arba, Hevron, Gush Etzion, the Mt. Hevron bypass, the Iron Junction (attempted stabbing), Dir Nizam, Al Khader, Al-Sharqiya Louvain, the Husan Bypass Road, Jalazun, A-Ram, Ras Al-Amud, El Arub,  Beit Ur al Tahta, Azzun (Israelis wounded) and Road 443.

Please note that the information above is gleaned from Israeli civilians on the ground as reported at and other civilian reportage of attacks reported at

The annexation battle begins . . .

Now that President Trump has assumed power, the advocates of annexing the 12 km E-1 area which has Ma’aleh Adumim at its core have been given the green light to begin the process on Sunday of annexing the area to Israel. That process begins with a discussion of Coalition cabinet members.

The move is overwhelmingly popular among the Israeli public with various polls showing support for Israeli sovereignty in E1 running somewhere between 75% and 80%.

Nevertheless, a number of the party leaders of the coalition of Netanyahu’s government have not expressed their thoughts on the proposal, and there is every reason to believe that Netanyahu himself will delay or postpone the vote.

As we all know by now, Netanyahu is wedded to the status quo, and he seems to be sending out signals this week that he wants to “wait and see” what the new Trump Administration thinks.

Maybe we should rename Bibi “Wait and See.”

Today’s Blog

The Trump Era Begins

Already thousands of words have been written. Already innumerable pundits have proffered their opinions. However, despite those words and that punditry, the simple fact is that no one knows what Donald Trump is going to do in regard to Israel.

Donald Trump is unpredictable.

For all the campaign talk about moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, one suspects that Donald Trump will exact a quid pro quo if the move actually takes place.

Despite the fact that an extremely nationalistic (in the Israeli sense) American Ambassador to Israel has been chosen, Donald Trump will somehow expect major things from Israel in return.

And we should not forget that President Trump is already accumulating IOUs from Netanyahu. First, Netanyahu urged Trump call to Sisi to ask Egypt withdraw its proposing Security Council Resolution 2334. And Trump did. Then, there was Netanyahu apparently calling Trump to ask him to ask British PM May to veto any further resolutions that might come before the Security Council. And Trump did.

None of the above even speaks to Trump’s appointment of his son-in-law Jared Kushner to the job of Middle East envoy. As recently as last night, Trump was crowing that if “Kushner cannot solve the Middle East situation nobody can.” This would suggest that Trump hopes to push Israelis and Palestinians to peace–despite the well-publicized ideological tilt of Kushner to the “right.”

One would hope that during the push to peace, some of the IOUs that are mounting up will not be used.

However, despite all of this, optimism remains high on israelstreet that a much warmer wind is blowing from Washington to Jerusalem. First, let’s move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and hear one State Department news conference that doesn’t castigate Israel, and then we will go from there.





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