Yom Shnee


11 Adar

February 19 2024


Update 1: 12:00 AM

The Quote of the Day

“If Israel wants to commit suicide, it should listen to President Biden.”

Mark Levin, American news commentator

Levin is right. For all the good that Biden has done Israel by supplying us with weapons to fight HamISIS, his constant insistence on supplying ever-more “humanitarian” aid to the monsters only ensures that HamISIS will live to massacre Israelis again.

The Absurdity of the Day

Norway has announced that it will assist in the delivery of frozen tax funds to the PLO in order to prevent an economic collapse of the PLO.

Can someone please explain to your humble servant why the despicable PLO should continue its abominable existence? This is an organization that actively participated in the October 7th massacres and whose chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, has never expressed a scintilla of remorse for the barbaric murders carried out by PLO and HamISIS members.

And yet Israel remains trapped in the conception that we must keep our enemies alive.

It is beyond absurd.


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