The Gaza War: Day 171 . . . The War in the North

Yom Shnee


15 Adar II 5784

March 25 2024



Missile attack on Ashdod two hours ago:

The target area for incoming missiles from Gaza at 2:00 pm--two hours ago.

The target area for incoming missiles from Gaza at 2:00 pm–two hours ago.

In fact, another barrage of 8 missiles was intercepted right over our house. We counted all 8 explosions from our bomb shelter. This is a photo looking out from under the awning in front of our house at 2 of the interceptor trails:

Two out of the 8 interceptor trails. The others were to the right.

Two out of the 8 interceptor trails. The others were to the right.

As you may remember, I reported several days ago that two missiles apparently exploded in open spaces in close proximity to our house, but that there were no warning sirens. The warning sirens this afternoon were the first ones since January 14 in this neighborhood.

It has been reported that the missiles were fired from the Deir Al-Balach neighborhood of central Gaza–an area which the IDF has yet to “maneuver” in. Nevertheless, it is extremely disappointing that the Palestinian terrorists in HamISIS still have the capability to hit us after 171 days of war.

The Tragic Photo of the Morning

Female observers at the Nahal Oz military post on the Gaza Border celebrating Purim last year. These young women were among the first assaulted when the Palestinian barbarians came across the border on October 7.

There will be no Purim for these women as a group ever again.

In the photo:

Karina Ariev – was brutally kidnapped to Gaza by Palestinian terrorists (on the right beside the girl wearing the rabbit ears)

Aviv Hajaj – was brutally murdered by Palestinian savages (lower right)

Roni Eshel – was brutally murdered by Palestinian savages (on the right wearing the rabbit ears)

Noa Price – was brutally murdered by Palestinian savages (on the far left with her eyes closed)

Shahaf Nissani – was brutally murdered by Palestinian savages (third from left in the rear)

The IDF Rape Fraud

As you probably know, HamISIS and the PLO have been desperate in recent months to fabricate a narrative that accuses our IDF soldiers of some of the same monstrous crimes committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7th.

Among the nauseatingly false accusations has been that IDF soldiers have been regularly raping Palestinian women.

One such accusation was published last week by HamISIS media outlet Al-Jazeera–which as we all know is owned by Qatar. In that article, a woman in Gaza named Jamila Al-Hassi claimed our soldiers were raping Palestinian women in the Shifa Hospital.

This morning, in an extraordinary admission, Yasser Abu Halala, the Jordanian former head of Al-Jazeera, and HamISIS supporter, published this:

“After investigations carried out by Hamas, it appears that the story of the rape of the women in the Shifa Hospital is a fabrication. Of course, the enemy does not hesitate to commit genocide. The lady (Jamila Al Hassi) justified the exaggeration and her false statements about the rape by wanting to arouse enthusiasm in the battle.”

Rapes, genocide, starvation: they are all a fabrication of the HamISIS propaganda machine, but at least in this case (for reasons unknown) they were forced to admit the truth.

As we know however, the truth makes no difference. Social media has already run millions of posts repeating Al-Hassi’s claims, and no amount of backtracking will make any difference.

An Uplifting Message

Stand proud

Stand proud!

On this house where a soldier who was killed in Gaza lived, his relatives put this Purim sign:

You are asked to enter this house with your head held high and standing tall! There is a family of a soldier here who in his life and in his death spread light and hope!


On the Ground in the North

*On the Golan:

Studentswearing Purim costumes on the ground during an incoming missile siren in the Golan yesterday.

Literally on the ground: students wearing Purim costumes on the ground during a missile attack on the Golan yesterday.

In Lebanon:

The IAF carried out a targeted attack on a vehicle deep in Lebanon in the town of A-Zoiri. 2 were killed one of whom was a Syrian officer.

From the IDF Spokesman:

“Fighter jets of the Air Force recently attacked a military structure of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Ita al-Sha’ab area and another military infrastructure of the organization in the Al-Adaisa area, this after fighters from the 869 battalion identified terrorists operating there.

During the day, three anti-tank missiles were detected in the Shatula region and the Ramim ridge, the IDF forces attacked the source of the shooting along with several other areas in Lebanon that were attacked to remove the threat.”

The IDF Manpower Shortage

Last week, the IDF announced that it “immediately” needs 7000 more recruits to fill combat roles and another 7,500 permanent personnel.

The situation has become so dire that the maximum combat age has been raised from 40 to 46 years of age, and the number of combat days has been increased.

A Follow Up To The Terror Attack in Samaria Two Days Ago

As we have already reported, the Palestinian terrorists who carried out the attack was a former member of PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ personal guard.

What was revealed yesterday was that he gained his sniping ability from being trained by U.S. forces in Jordan as part of the decades long idiotic project to arm PLO members to be able to fend of Hamas in the event of Abbas’ death.

As we wrote back in 2009, “how long will it be until these terrorists being trained by U.S. Army forces return and murder Israelis?”

By the way, Ilay Garfinkel was not the first Israeli murdered by PLO members trained in this utterly misguided project.



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