Tag Archives: our government fiddles while southern Israel burns

The New Israel Fund: Trying To Rip Apart Israel, Again

23 Av 5778 4 August 2018   Picture of the Day: A house in Beersheva. This follows reports a few days ago from army personnel of incendiary devices further south in the Negev. It is amazing and sickening how the plague of fires … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 26, bedouins, beersheva, beit ummar, blazes, caracal battalion, circassians, corrupt, destruction of israel, disrupt UNRWA, druze, ein yabrud, elimination of jews, fomenting the community against the state, friedman, greenblatt, halhul, hizma, idf post, incendiary kites and balloons, inefficient, Israel, karmei tzur, kushner, March of Return, nabi saleh, Nahal Oz, nation law, national goals, negev, netanyahu government, new israel fund, Nir Yitzhak, nothing new about the New Israel Fund, ofra, on Road 443, our government fiddles while southern Israel burns, overran, palestinian refugees, palestinian terrorists, Peduel, plague of fires, Qadum, remove the phrase, tekoa, the existence of israel is a permanent reality, torched, unrwa, we make a change, zikim | Comments Off on The New Israel Fund: Trying To Rip Apart Israel, Again