J Street “Grieves” Over Clinton Defeat

9 Cheshvan

November 10, 2016


Palestinian Terror

There have been more than 50 Palestinian terror attacks in the last 48 hours.

Just consider the following partial list of where attacks took place: Givat Neria, Halhul, Mt. Hevron, the Tapuach Junction, Sebastia, the Old City of Jerusalem, Rachel’s Tomb, Adam, Pisgat Ze’ev, Deir Nizam, Silwan, El Be’er, Abu Tor, Jib, Hevron, Psagot, Beit El, Route 443, Shuafat, Karmi Tzur, Umm Salmona, Gush Etzion, Neve Dvash, Abu Dis, and Route 6.

Of the attacks above, the incident near the Tapuach Junction where a terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier in the chest with a screwdriver (fortunately the screwdriver was partially stopped by the soldier’s protective vest), and the incident at Rachel’s Tomb where an Israeli woman was burned by a Molotov firebomb may have been the most egregious.



J Street Grieves Over Clinton Defeat

Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Grief (noun):

“deep sadness caused especially by someone’s death”

Jeremy Ben Ami, the head of the abominable J Street Organization sent out an email to his followers yesterday bewailing Donald Trump’s victory on Tuesday. As always, it was a plea for money so that J St can expand its operation, but this is how the email began with my comments interpolated:

“Today is, for many of us, an incredibly sad and difficult day.”

[Of course it is sad and difficult for you. In Clinton and Kaine, you had two politicians who subscribed to the J Street agenda hook, line, and sinker. In particular, Tim Kaine was a fervent J Streeter who could have been counted on to make sure that the Oval Office became J Street headquarters.]
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“For tens of millions of Americans who share a core belief in tolerance, decency and social justice, the election results are a severe shock.”

[Yes, Americans do share a core belief in tolerance, decency, and social justice. That is precisely why they elected Donald Trump. Contrast this core belief with J Street’s core ideology of delegitimization of Israel, endless concessions to Palestinians designed to weaken this country, and outright attempts to undermine Israel within the Jewish population of the United States.]

“We woke up yesterday with high hopes, only to go to bed feeling grief, anger and despair.”

[What were those high hopes? High hopes that Israel would be brought to her knees, high hopes that the Presidency and U.S. Senate would be more amenable to the Palestinians, and high hopes that J Street’s beloved Iranian Nuclear Weapons Appeasement Agreement would become even more enshrined as U.S. policy. Grief, anger and despair. Really how pathetic can you get?]

“These emotions are real, and they are raw.”

[J Street is the outgrowth of the “me” generation, many of whom shamelessly view life through the narrow focus of their own emotions and feelings. And for the record, they always have to tell everyone that their emotions “are real.” But in this case, they are more than “real”, they are “raw”; they demand of us that we understand just how deep their “grief, anger, and despair” are.]

To sum up, perhaps the best course for J Streeters now is to head straight to grief counseling.

To quote from a New Yorker article about such counseling, the J Streeters can provide a grief “debriefer” information about symptoms they may be experiencing such as “sleeplessness, headache, irritability—as well as more debilitating symptoms, like flashbacks and delusions.”

They can then tell the debriefer where they were when they heard the tragic news that Clinton had lost and describe what he or she saw, felt, and was thinking at the time. From this they can proceed to the  “feeling phase,” focusing on each J Streeters’ current reaction to the Clinton catastrophe. During this phase, the counselors can ask questions like “What was the worst part of the Clinton defeat for you personally?” (to paraphrase the New Yorker).

Enough idle speculation. Let’s end today by simply saying, thank goodness J Street’s influence has been diminished. 




This entry was posted in News and tagged anger, Clinton, despair, election, grief, J Street, jeremy ben-ami, trump. Bookmark the permalink.

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