No More Excuses: The Time Has Come For Bibi To Take A Stand

Tivet 24, 5777

January 22, 2017

Palestinian terror in the last 48 hours . . .

Another explosion of Palestinian terrorism has taken place with more than 50 firebombings, “rock” throwings, IED attacks targeting Israeli civilians and security forces.

A short list:

Civilians in the form of pedestrians and motorists were assaulted by “rocks” and Molotovs in Al Khader (multiple incidents), Beit Orot (Jerusalem), Kedumim, Route 65, Beit Romano (Hevron), Amona, Shuafat (Jerusalem), A-Ram, Sinjil, Migdalot, Kotzra (tourists attacked), Jabel Goher, Beit Ummar, and Ras al-Amud.

Security forces in form of police, IDF troops, and Border Guards were assaulted by “rocks” and Molotovs in A-Ram (multiple incidents), Shuafat, Anun, Bil’in, Jenin, Wadi Ara, Aro’er, Tekoa, El Arub (multiple incidents), Biddu, Hizma, Issawiya, Silwad, A-Tur (Jerusalem), Bethany, Abu Dis, Gush Etzion, and Husan.

Please note that the information above is gleaned from Israeli civilians on the ground as reported at and other civilian reportage of attacks reported at

The women’s march in Washington, DC yesterday . . .

As your humble servant expressed back in November, one reason he could not vote for Donald Trump was his egregious comments about women (you may also remember that I gave multiple reasons why a vote for Hillary Clinton was completely impossible). I mention this because at first I supported what I thought was the idea of the women’s marches around the world, namely marching for women’s dignity.

However, that support has quickly eroded.

To begin with, the fact the marches occurred in the United States on the day after the inauguration was, I thought, inappropriate. I particularly took umbrage with all the signs reading “Dump Trump” and “He’s not my President.” I happen to think that we have a new President and like him or not, we should give him a chance.  More than this, other obscene signs and rhetoric (not to mention a certain speaker’s musings about “blowing up the White House”) were beyond the pale.

But even more than this was the way that the Washington march allowed itself to be co-opted by groups claiming to show solidarity with women. It was the same motley cast of characters that we have so often seen in the past aligning themselves with the Palestinians. Groups like “Black Lives Matter” and “Democracy Now” have become some of the most vitriolic anti-Israel entities operating in the U.S.

And in many instances that was the message yesterday.

Here was a Facebook post of “Democracy Now”:

Was this the message that the women's march wanted to disseminate?

Was this the message that the women’s march wanted to disseminate? Angela Davis is a legend in her own mind.

Such messages as this completely corrupted the march.


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No More Excuses:

The Time Has Come For Bibi To Take A Stand

As we predicted two days ago, we have had the unseemly spectacle of PM Netanyahu trying to stall the Ma’aleh Adumim annexation bill today. It was supposed to have been discussed at the Cabinet meeting tonight, but not surprisingly we had Netanyahu pleading with Naftali Bennett to delay the discussion.

In doing so, Netanyahu claimed that he had received messages from U.S. President Donald Trump’s advisers not to take any unilateral actions before the two meet in Washington next week. 

Should we believe Netanyahu?

Frankly, your humble servant doubts it because this has always been Netanyahu’s method of operation. We have just endured eight years of Netanyahu continually claiming that the status quo could not be harmed because of fear of what the Obama Administration might say.

And today, there have been numerous reports from other senior officials that they have been told by Trump officials that they (the Trump officials) vehemently reject the notion that the Trump Administration has told Israel anything. 

In fact, according to an article in today’s Maariv, one such Israeli official said: “Trump’s people said that the State of Israel should do what is best for her and act quickly so as not to miss the opportunity.”

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