Tag Archives: murderous ideology that will never entertain the thought of peace

Just One Horrific Photo Tells You Why

Yom Shishee Friday 4 Tishri 5782 September 10 2021   Please Consider Donating To OneIsrael Our annual Rosh Hashana-Simhat Torah fundraising drive has now started. Please consider donating to OneIsrael so that we can continue to get the word out about what is happening here … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a deep-seated hatred, a documentary about how the Nazis and their cohorts murdered Jews, a fight for our very existence, All people are not the same, All people are the same, beta, burning an effigy of a jew, campaign, comes from a violently anti-Jewish culture, donating to oneisrael, explosion of Nazi symbolism, explosive balloons, from the Koran and from, fund raising, imams who preach its verses, Israel, Knesset, murderous ideology that will never entertain the thought of peace, one horrific photo, scene from a horror movie, shabbat shalom, stop the hotel for terrorists in prison, swastika, that takes its cues, they just want peace, why can't Israel make peace with the Palestinians, Yes we are tired of fighting | Comments Off on Just One Horrific Photo Tells You Why